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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas


Decoration in Belém

Decoration in Belém

President of the Republic decorates actor Ruy de Carvalho on the 70th year of his career

The President of the Republic decorated actor Ruy de Carvalho with the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator on the 70th anniversary of his career.

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Horst Seehofer received in Belém

Horst Seehofer received in Belém

President of the Republic received President of the German Bundesrat

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the President of the German Bundesrat (Federal Council) and Minster President of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, accompanied by the Speaker of the Bavarian Parliament, Barbara Stamm, and by the President of the Pareliamenatry Political Group of the Christian Social Union (CSU) in the Bavarian Parliament, Georg Schmid.

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António Tajani received in Belém

António Tajani received in Belém

President of the Republic received Vice-President of the European Commission

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Vice-President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani.

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Ceremony in the Palace of Belém

Ceremony in the Palace of Belém

President of the Republic empowered new Secretaries of State

The President of the Republic empowered, in the Palace of Belém, the new Secretaries of State of the XIX Constitutional Government.

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President of the Republic empowers new Secretaries of State

In the terms of item h) of article No. 133 of the Constitution, the President of the Republic accepted the proposal put forward by the Prime Minister to relieve from duties, at their request, Dr. Francisco José Pereira de Almeida Viegas, as Secretary of State for Culture, and Prof. Doctor Isabel Maria Santos Silva Leite, as Secretary of State for Basic and Secondary Education.

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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

President received subscribers of the Manifesto “In defence of a Public Service of Radio and Television”

The President of the Republic received, in audience, a group of subscribers of the Manifesto “In defence of a Public Service of Radio and Television”.

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President of the Republic sent condolences to the Family of Manuel António Pina

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Manuel António Pina.

Following is the text of the message from President Cavaco Silva:

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Audience in Belém

Audience in Belém

President received AHRESP Officers

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Officers of the Portuguese Association of Hotels, Restaurants and Similar Activities (AHRESP).

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PSA received in Belém.

PSA received in Belém.

President received Portuguese Scouts Association

The President of the Republic received, in audience, a Delegation from the Portuguese Scouts Association.

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Empowerment of Joana Marques Vidal

Empowerment of Joana Marques Vidal

President of the Republic empowered Attorney General

The President of the Republic empowered the Attorney General, Dr. Joana Marques Vidal, and delivered a speech during the ceremony.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.