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Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Palácio de Belém, 2 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres


Communiqué from the Palace of Belém

Communiqué from the Palace of Belém

President of the Republic addressed a communiqué to the Country

President of the Republic addressed a communiqué to the Country, issued from the Palace of Belém, concerning the current political situation.

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Communiqué from the Presidency of the Republic

The Presidency of the Republic publishes the following communiqué:

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Climb to the Plateau of Greater “Selvagem”

Climb to the Plateau of Greater “Selvagem”

President of the Republic ended visit to “Selvagens” Islands

The President of the Republic ended his visit to the “Selvagens” Islands with a climb to the plateau of the Greater “Selvagem”, during which he viewed several features of the island’s flora and fauna.

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Activities in Madeira Natural Park

Activities in Madeira Natural Park

President Cavaco Silva stayed overnight on Greater “Selvagem” Island

The President of the Republic visited Greater “Selvagem” Island, where he received a presentation of the Nature protection activities being carried out by the Wardens of the “Selvagem” Islands Natural Reserve, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first scientific expedition that took place in this sub-archipelago of the Madeira Autonomous Region.

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ROV Luso presentation

ROV Luso presentation

President of the Republic accompanied work of scientific missions in “Selvagem” Islands

The President of the Republic accompanied, on board the oceanographic ship “Gago Coutinho”, the work of some of the scientific missions that are carrying out their activities in the “Selvagem” Islands.

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Bird watching

Bird watching

President Cavaco Silva visited Lesser “Selvagem” Island

The President of the Republic began his visit to the “Selvagem” Islands landing on Lesser “Selvagem”, and held contacts with the Wardens of Nature in the Natural Reserve, who presented the several species of local protected fauna and flora.

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ANMP received in Belém

ANMP received in Belém

President received Officers of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities

The President of the Republic received, in audience, the Governing Officers of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP).

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Decoration ceremony

Decoration ceremony

President of the Republic decorated Lieutenant Colonel João Gonçalves

The President of the Republic decorated with the grade of Commander of the Military Order of Avis Air Lieutenant Colonel João Carlos de Bastos Jorge Gonçalves, who relinquishes his office as Air Force Consultant in the President’s Military Cabinet, in order to exercise duties in the General Staff of the European Union, in Brussels.

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President of the Republic visits the “Selvagens” Islands to assert the scientific, environmental and strategic relevance of the sub-archipelago

Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first scientific expedition to the “Selvagens” Islands, the President of the Republic will visit the Atlantic sub-archipelago at the southernmost tip of the national territory, in order to emphasize the importance of its scientific, environmental and strategic dimensions.

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Audience granted to Japanese entrepreneurs

Audience granted to Japanese entrepreneurs

President received Keidanren Japanese entrepreneurial confederation

The President of the Republic received, in audience, a delegation from the Keidanren Japanese entrepreneurial confederation.

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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.