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Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 19 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas


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Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (1)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (2)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (3)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (4)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (5)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (6)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (7)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (8)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (9)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (10)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (11)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (12)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (13)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (14)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (15)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (16)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (17)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (18)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (19)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (20)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (21)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (22)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (23)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (24)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (25)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (26)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com representantes do Lisbon Challenge (27)

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Officers responsible for startups with the President

Officers responsible for startups with the President

President Cavaco Silva met with participants in the Lisbon Challenge

The President of the Republic held a meting, in the Palace of Belém, with representatives of startups from 25 countries, participating in the Lisbon Challenge international programme, which is taking place in the Portuguese capital until December next.

In the opening session, an address was made by the officer responsible for the Beta-i organizing association, Pedro Rocha Vieira, who presented the Lisbon Challenge project. Further addresses were then delivered by Hugo Silva (Portugal), Felicitas Hackmann (Germany) and Igor Kondrasovas (Brazil), who expressed their views as entrepreneurs, and by Sandra Sick (USA), one of the prompters of the Lisbon Challenge.

The President of the Republic addressed the participants at the end of the meeting.


© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.