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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Nova Iorque, EUA, 28 de setembro de 2015 see more: Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas


Speech delivered by the President of the Republic in the Ponta Delgada City Hall
Ponta Delgada, October 9, 2007
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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic in the Parliament of the Azores Autonomous Region
Azores, October 8, 2007
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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic during the Ceremony celebrating the 97th Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic
Lisbon, October 5, 2007
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Intervenção do Presidente da República por ocasião do encerramento do Lisbon Energy Forum
Lisboa, 2 de Outubro de 2007
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Speech addressed by the President of the Republic at the dinner held in honour of the participants in the 2nd Meeting of the Globalization Council and of the representatives of the members of COTEC
Ajuda National Palace, September 27, 2007
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Speech addressed by the President of the Reublic on the occasion of the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the Raising of Figueira da Foz o City Status
Figueira da Foz, September 22, 2007
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Speech delivered by the Presidente of the Portugueses Republic upon the occasion of the Banquet in Honour of the President of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Ajuda Palace, September 19, 2007
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Speech delivered by the President of the Repúblic in the ceremony paying tribute to Aquilino Ribeiro
National Pantheon, September 19, 2007
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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the award ceremony of the D. Dinis Prize to Fernando Echevarría
Casa de Mateus, Vila Real, September 14 2007
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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic at the ceremony of the presentation of the Vision Award of the Champalimaud Foundation
Lisbon, September 7, 2007
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© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.