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Visita às salinas
Visita às salinas
Rio Maior, 3 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita às salinas


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Speech by the President of the Republic at the Award Ceremony of the Peninsular Northeast Atlantic Axis Gold Medals
La Coruña, Spain, 19 February 2015

Allow me to start by greeting Your Majesties and expressing my thanks for the hospitality with which we have been welcomed in this beautiful city of Coruña.

This trip to Coruña has, for me, a very special meaning, since this is the first time I visit Spain since Your Majesty’s accession.

I could not but express this and to emphasize how delighted my Wife and I are in being here today.

I was thus very happy to accept the invitation to attend this award ceremony of the Peninsular Northeast Atlantic Axis Gold Medals. I am always gladsome to visit Galicia once again, where, apart from all else, I had the honour to receive the Honoris Causa Degree from the University of Coruña.

I want to congratulate those distinguished today for their deeds and for the awards they received today.

It is with great satisfaction that I find myself amongst this audience, so representative of the relations we nowadays enjoy between the regions of Galicia and Northern Portugal, but also representative of the relationship between Portuguese and Spaniards and of the European project we both share.

The Atlantic Axis, a cross-border association of municipalities, comprises 38 cities, and it’s target is the economic, social, cultural, scientific and technological development of this Euro region and of the adhering urban municipalities and regions.

Through this cooperation, a more tangible and consistent approach to the European Union is equally intended, optimizing community supports for projects that contribute to the progress and growth of this regional area.

Infrastructures, transport, telecommunications, environmental protection, tourism, labour markets, as well as social, cultural, academic and sports activities are sectors of interest wherever the Atlantic Axis may intervene.

These areas of activity are in effect an outstanding cooperation network, whose actions have material and visible repercussion in the improvement of the day-to-day people’s living conditions.

Concerning the bilateral relations between Portugal and Spain, Northern Portugal and Galicia are some of the most active regions in the field of cross-border proximity and cooperation.

Where economic relations are concerned, their vitality is fully evident, with trade and investment immediately apparent.

Equally with respect to culture, the relationship that has linked the regions through ages is clearly visible, and joint cultural initiatives are frequent.

I witnessed today, jointly with the President of the Junta de Galicia, the subscription of a Memorandum on the adoption of Portuguese as an Optional Foreign Language and Curricular Assessment in the Non-University Educational System, another instance that the border is a connection link and a proximity factor.

Galicia and Northern Portugal are regions that demonstrate, due to their growing development, an increased economic potential and that more than ever constitute a privileged area of interaction and cooperation, well evidencing the presence and the relevance of common interests in the global environment in which both our countries are included.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These last few years have been challenging times for the World and, particularly, for Europe. Our countries are well aware of it. At a time when we are in such great need of dynamic economic growth, job creation and social cohesion, I believe that the Atlantic Axis can provide an important contribution.

This project has invested, since 1992, in cross-border cooperation, with relevant effects in people’s and company’s lives. At the basis of this type of initiatives is, to start with, the change carried out at differing levels in the relationship between both regions. I would state that the Atlantic Axis must feel encouraged to proceed with its mission, taking advantage of the enormous potential still to be exploited.

Renewing my congratulation to those who were distinguished today, I thank you all for your presence here and for your attention.

Thank you very much.

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The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.