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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
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Address delivered by the President of the Republic at the Award Ceremony of the BES National Innovation Prizes
Lisbon, 25 October 2010

Secretary of State for Energy and Innovation,
Chairman of the BES Executive Committee,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am particularly pleased to attend the award ceremony of the prizes for the BES National Innovation Competition. This is an extremely successful event, as proven by the growing number of applications, by the prestige of the associated institutions and, above all, by the results obtained at the level of the economic impact of technological innovation.

The participation of competitors and institutions from the whole of the country and the very significant presence of our main university research centres are symbols of the truly national coverage and dimension of this initiative.

Apart from the excellent signal represented by the wide scope of the involved partnerships, it is also true that with a contest as its background it also promotes a healthy competitive environment between universities and research centres, whose intention is to become singled out in the approach of their work to the market.

The capability of conceiving and inventing new technologies has forever been a source of an extraordinary contribution towards the progress of civilization and for the welfare of Humanity. The Eureka moment is universally known, as played by Archimedes, where sudden inspiration activates the answer to an apparently insoluble problem.

More than a simple celebration of inspiration and excellence of the scientific and technological production of our national researchers, the formula for this Competition is based upon a rationale that must be disseminated within the culture of national innovation.

Immediately so, because it brings out as the most important criterion in the assessment of a project the potential impact of its results in entrepreneurial competitiveness, in sectors with greatest influences in global growth.

The initiative equally emphasizes the relevance of a culture of respect and valuation of intellectual property within the scope of the activity of technological development. Patents are, in effect, an essential tool to recognize and protect the tangible and even the intangible value of the creative efforts of researchers, inventors and innovating enterprises. The capability to produce patents with a commercial value, as is well known, is a distinctive mark of an innovative economy.

This Competition strengthens the link between production of knowledge, technological invention and their respective application to the market. The demand for and the preparation of a formal Business Plan provide Research and Development activities with the necessary economic sense and its due focus on the market.

Lastly, a primary position is awarded to technological development in its embryo stage, an option that is traditionally disregarded by the institutions that finance innovation. It is obvious that the pre-commercial exploit of innovatory technologies, more than an unforeseeable activity with unknown risks attached, may be based upon solid pillars of financial rationality.

The results of the Competition speak for themselves. The proof of an enterprising experience provided here today allows foreseeing that, in a relatively near future, possibly less than a decade hence, many of the prize winning projects may be asserted as successful enterprises, even in global terms.

It is especially significant that this initiative was bred within a centenary financial institution operating in the private sector. The total value of the prizes awarded represents an undeniable stake placed upon the development of highly qualified new technologies with a great potential. It is thus shown that the private sector can be located in the centre of the financing of pre-commercial innovation, diminishing the traditional dependence from the State in this area.

This initiative is also a seed for the setting up of a possible market for the financing of new technologies, bringing about an accelerating effect of technological development in the national economy.

For all these reasons, the Espírito Santo Bank is to be commended for an initiative that has asserted itself as a unique reference in the support of entrepreneurialism and technological innovation. The formula proposed for the Competition suggests a deep understanding of the innovation procedure. The high quality of the organization is demonstrated through the credibility and the adhesion to this initiative. The results show the correctness of the choices taken. Its duration, throughout these years, reflects the consistency of purposes and a firm commitment to the future of the country. This is a stake that must be duly valued in the talent of the Portuguese, in their creative capability, in the excellence of their work. Such initiatives strengthen confidence in a more promissory future.

I wish to congratulate all the participants, especially the prize winners and the Jury of Competition. To you all, my very best thanks.


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