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Visita às salinas
Visita às salinas
Rio Maior, 3 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita às salinas


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Speech addressed by the President of the Republic at the Cape Verde National Parliament
City of Praia, 6 July 2010

Mister Speaker,
Members of Parliament,
Illustrious Guests,

I am specially honoured with the opportunity given me, in this State Visit to Cape Verde, to address this Magnificent Parliament, expression of the vitality and pluralism of the Cape Verde democracy.

I wish to thank the Speaker, Dr. Aristides Raimundo Lima, and the illustrious representatives of the People of Cape Verde for the invitation addressed me and which I greatly appreciate.

It is for me a motive of joy and welcome satisfaction to return to this beautiful country, that the Portuguese are so fond of and where we are received with the splendid hospitality which is so characteristic of the people of Cape Verde.

This State Visit is particularly significant. It is a Visit which emphasizes the fraternal friendship between two sovereign States, who appreciate and respect each other, and that face the vast heritage of historical, cultural and human bonds which they share as an asset which drives them towards the future.

I had the honour, this morning, to be awarded by the President of the Republic of Cape Verde with the “First Degree of the Order of Amílcar Cabral”, a distinction that I interpret as a demonstration of that friendship and as a tribute which, through me, is paid to Portugal and to the Portuguese.

A significant tribute that occurs at the same time as Cape Verde is celebrating its 35th year of national independence, whose commemorations I had the honour to attend, as well as the 550 years of the Discovery of the Islands of Cape Verde, two important events of our common History.

I could not have chosen for this reason, neither a better occasion nor a better place than this National Parliament to pay a sincere tribute to the Cape Verde democracy.

In Cape Verde, the transition to a multi party regime was peaceful and exemplary. Since the first multi party elections, that took place in 1991, the people’s wishes as expressed in the successive electoral acts was always respected and each election was marked as a peaceful succession of governments, a sign of mature democracy and culture of tolerance of the people of Cape Verde.

One of the supreme values of democracy is the protection of the dignity and of the freedom of the citizens, ensuring them the conditions to live in peace, security and prosperity.

In Cape Verde, the consolidation of a representative and plural democracy, based upon the separation and interdependency of powers, was also accompanied by the introduction of constitutional amendments that were determinant for the guarantee and for the promotion of the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

But if Cape Verde is today a State comprising a democratic Rule of Law, respected by the international community, such is owed to the endeavours placed upon the building of credible, strong and transparent institutions – of which this Parliament is an example - , capable of ensuring the operation of the legislative and judicial systems, efficient governance and free competition.

One of the greatest signs of democratic vitality in Cape Verde is the recognition of the role of the opposition and the free debate of ideas, which is not exhausted in the democratically elected Parliament, but finds in it one of its highest forms of expression.

It is not just at the political and institutional levels that Cape Verde has been registering relevant advances. Reforms were also introduced in the economy which deeply changed the country, and which placed it upon the path of development.

From a planned and centralized economy, Cape Verde advanced towards a market economy, open to private initiative and to external investment, which has become one of the sources of power for the development of the country and for the promotion of the people’s welfare.

The scarcity of natural resources and the adversity of the climatic conditions did not hinder Cape Verde to present one of best indices of human development in the whole of the African continent, and that in the last decade, reached an average economic growth of approximately 6%, which greatly contributed to its being classified, in 2008, as a Medium Growth Country.

Thanks to the options of the people of Cape Verde and to the perspicacity of its leaders that the rules of its democracy have placed in office, Cape Verde is nowadays an example for the whole of the African continent, clearly demonstrating the benefits of a rigorous and transparent management of resources, investment in the preparation of the new generations and the valuing of a geographic and human area.

Mister Speaker,
Illustrious Members of Parliament,

Portugal and the Portuguese attribute the greatest of importance to the human, cultural and linguistic bonds that link us to Cape Verde and that are reflected in the intensity and in the quality of our bilateral relationship.

A relationship which has one of its strongest expressions in the presence, in Portugal, of a numerous and well integrated Cape Verde community, whose contribution towards the development of our country I wish to emphasize and, in your presence, to show my gratitude.

Due to all that links us, our countries are natural allies. Portugal is proud of being one of the main partners of Cape Verde, supporting, both bilaterally and multilaterally, the priorities set down in the framework of the country’s ambitious development plan.

The recently held first Portuguese – Cape Verde Summit, in Lisbon, and the signature of the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between Portugal and Cape Verde, on the same occasion, are expressions of this reality and interpret a firm commitment for the strengthening of a strategic partnership which answers the expectations and anxieties of our citizens. .

A partnership that involves close cooperation in areas such as good governance, justice, education and sustainable development, priorities defined in Cape Verde’s “Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty” and “Investment Plan”.

Cape Verde, such as Portugal, has always considred international cooperation as a lever for its development, betting on a strategy of regional insertion and on the establishment of international partnerships, as a means of stimulating its competitiveness and of projecting its interests.

I allow myself to accentuate, in this context, the growing protagonism and influence that Cape Verde has been exercising in the framework of the Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO), as proven anyway by its being the chosen country to host the last Summit of the organization, as well as the first CEDEAO-Brazil Summit.

On another hand, the approval of a “Special Partnership between the EU and Cape Verde”, during the Portuguese Presidency in 2007, represented a qualitative leap in the relationship between the two parties, constituting a clear signal of recognition of the earnestness and rigour with which Cape Verde faces the challenges of its development.

Portugal is, today, the main trading partner of Cape Verde and one of the main investors in the country.

Our entrepreneurs know Cape Verde well and are present in sectors such as tourism, the financial system, renewable energies, construction and public works, contributing towards the strengthening of the economic competitiveness of the country and towards job creation.

I am however convinced that there is still a wide margin for the deepening of our cooperation.

In the last few years Portugal has been investing strategically in the development of sources of alternative energies, as well as in information and communication technologies. In the contacts I have maintained until now and due to what I have had the opportunity of witnessing, I am certain that, in each of these areas, Portugal and Cape Verde could develop an increased cooperation for their mutual benefit.

The Sea, nowadays another economic asset of prime importance, is another field in which both countries have available abundant resources with a huge exploit potential. I am aware of the efforts that Cape Verde has been developing in order to better take advantage of this sector’s potentialities. In Portugal as well we are now regarding with renewed consideration the multiple opportunities it represents. It is thus absolutely necessary that we achieve the knowledge to take all possible advantages from the complementarities and synergies in this strategic field for the future of our two countries.

In addition, the fact that Cape Verde, together with the Azores and Madeira, belong in the Macaronesian region, and its geo-strategic position, in the intercept between the routes of the North and South Atlantic, allied to the preferential access conditions to countries of highly demographic expression and strong means of acquisition, place Cape Verde in a privileged situation to operate as an access platform to other markets and regions. This is a conclusion that implies very promising opportunities for the strengthening of our economic and entrepreneurial cooperation and, simultaneously, an important lever for the development of our respective economies of the Sea.

Mister Speaker,
Illustrious Members of Parliament,

The excellence of the relationship between Portugal and Cape Verde is very obvious in the quality and scope of our bilateral cooperation, but it is equally notable in the cooperation we maintain within the framework of CPLP.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the important contribution that the national Parliaments have been providing for the strengthening of the special bonds of friendship and cooperation which link the CPLP peoples.

The Parliamentary Assembly, the most recent CPLP body, while deepening the democratic dimension of CPLP and the cooperation between the legitimate representatives of the people that compose it, easily demonstrates the dynamism and vitality of our Community.

Portugal is the current President of CPLP and has endeavoured to lead it with determination and responsibility, complying with the commitments and priorities defined, by all of us, in the Lisbon Summit.

I want to emphasize, within this framework, the special attention which has been given to the valuing and international projection of the Portuguese language. In the increasingly global world in which we live, it is my firm conviction that the Portuguese language is a fundamental asset for the defence and international assertion of our countries and of our way of viewing the World. .

The recently approved Action Plan, in Brasilia, is an extraordinarily important development in this perspective. Its adoption, in the Luanda Summit, will allow our advancing in an even more coordinated and determined way in this issue. It will also allow us to obtain improved advantages from the International Institute of the Portuguese Language which is hosted by Cape Verde.

The same drive has been placed by the Portuguese Presidency in the deepening of the Portuguese speaking citizenship, in the promotion of an ever closer politico/diplomatic coordination and in the deepening of cooperation, at all levels, between CPLP partners.

If there is a lesson to be learnt from the current crisis, it is the growing relevance of the structures of multilateral consultation, which allows States to present common positions in the defence of their interests. We are stronger if we act together.

I am certain that the coming Luanda Summit will permit the further reassertion and narrowing of our cooperation, strengthening the role of CPLP in the projection and defence of our common interests.

And I believe that, here as well, the national Parliaments and the Parliamentary assembly of CPLP have an important role to perform.

The people of Cape Verde are known for their hospitality, joy, perseverance in the face of adversity and by their artistic creativity. They possess a tradition of tolerance, of being open to the world and enjoy a crossing of cultures. “A people beaten by adversity and singing or exalting affection”, such as described by Manuel Ferreira in the Creole Adventure.

Music and literature are great expressions of the soul of the people of Cape Verde, and have reached an unusual international projection.

These are the words of Eugénio Tavares, one of the greatest interpreters of the spirit of Cape Verde:

“I love Cape Verde so much that even having been through fights, suffering, with my flesh wounded and my spirit beaten with deception, I am still able to forget myself to think of it;”.

I end by paying a sincere tribute to this Cape Verde, so near to the thoughts and to the hearts of the Portuguese, to this magnificent people who, better than anyone else, have known how to turn weaknesses into strengths, building a society which, today, is an inspiring spirit.

Thank you very much.

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