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Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Lamego, 9 de junho de 2015 see more: Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas


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Speech addressed by the President of the Republic at the inaugural act of the new Portucel-Soporcel paper making facility
Setúbal, 6 November 2009

Chairman of the Portucel Group,
Minister for Economy and Innovation,
Mayor of Setúbal,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The new facility of the Portucel Group which we have just opened is impressive due to the size of the investment – approximately 620 million euros -, due to the size and sophistication of the equipment for the production of office paper, and due to the state of the art technology used.

But, from the point of view of national interests, it is not the size that is really relevant.

From the point of view of Portuguese interest, what is really important is the contribution of this facility for the increase in productivity and international competitiveness of the Portuguese economy.

This is a decisive factor for the country to overcome its difficulties and once again find a path of sustainable economic growth.

From the point of view of national interest, what is really important is the contribution of this facility towards the production of goods which can be transacted in the international market. Equally for Its contribution towards the increase in our country’s export capabilities.

That is the key to Portugal’s economic recovery. That is the key for the sustainable development of our country and consequently, for an economy capable of generating durable employment, and of rewarding our workers with their due worth.

But what is equally important is the quality which will be imparted to the production of this facility. A product with a high technological content, with the capability of taking due advantage of all the competitive factors, with its own label, and the capacity for fulfilling the needs of very demanding markets.

A large national added value is associated to this facility, mainly due to the consistent investment of the Portucel Group in innovation and research.

Equally important, however, is the contribution of the investment which we are officially opening today towards the efficient use of one of our competitive advantages – forestry.

And this is being carried out with regard to environmental regulations.

Hopefully we may be able to use, with the same efficiency, another competitive advantage at the disposal of our country – the sea. Our large exclusive economic area.

Forty per cent of the area of continental Portugal is densely wooded. Managed with sustainability it will significantly contribute towards the creation of wealth and towards local development.

And the efficiency introduced by this investment strengthens the economic and social value of our wooded area, allowing better rewards for the forestry owners and inducing the creation of large numbers in employment, in addition to those which are directly created by the facility which we are opening today.

Portucel is an example amongst many other Portuguese enterprises which develop efforts to achieve competitiveness in the international market, through reproductive investment, innovation in products and processes, and creativity in technological advancement.

These are companies which deserve very special regard from public instances, particularly small and medium sized innovatory enterprises.

I have often and for some time spoken and written that the fundamental challenge faced by Portugal is the global competitiveness of our enterprises.

That is where the separation lies, where the difference exists between continued stagnation of our economy and its sustained growth.

This is why we must give priority to those investments which allow growth in the production of goods which are capable of being transacted and are competitive in international markets.

In the current environment, examples such as these must be emphasized, must be made visible, in order to help us find a bearing for the future which will strengthen confidence in Portuguese society and will convince the Portuguese that we are capable of winning.

This facility is a good example. It is a sign of hope. Soporcel deserves being congratulated as equally do its shareholders, its managers, its employees, all those who contributed towards the building of this facility.

The Portucel Group is the result of the work of many. But its base is the result of the strategic view, the entrepreneurial capability, the capacity for innovation and attainment of one man – Pedro Queiroz Pereira.

It is thus my belief that it is entirely fair to publicly recognize the contribution that this man has given to the creation of wealth and employment in our country.

I have thus decided to take advantage of this opportunity to decorate Pedro Queiroz Pereira with the Grand Cross of the Order of Industrial Merit, which I will now carry out with great personal satisfaction.

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