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Message from the President of the Republic concerning the Parliamentary Elections
Lisbon, 26 September 2009

Good evening,

Tomorrow, the People of Portugal will be called upon to exercise their voting rights to choose Members of Parliament. The results of these elections will determine the appointment of a new Government for Portugal.

This election, as everyone is well aware, is taking place at a time of grave difficulties. The Country’s situation is a matter for serious concern.

Difficult times, such as we are living, impose on all of us a great sense of responsibility.

A responsibility which begins by all those who must take part in this electoral act not staying at home. It is their duty to choose, in conscience, the path they want for Portugal.

But this responsibility also extends to the political parties. Throughout the electoral campaign, the parties had the opportunity to present their programmes and to discuss the solutions they propose for the issues the Country is facing.

Once the electoral campaign has finished the time has come to choose, for each one of you to state, through your vote, what you want for the future of Portugal.

Later, as a result of the election, a new Government will be appointed, who shall present its programme before the new Parliament.

In this process, we must all assume our responsibilities.

On my part, I have scrupulously and rigorously kept my commitment to total independence and impartiality relative to all the various political parties.

The President of the Republic must not interfere in party politics or influence the free choice of the electorate.

From the first to the last day of my term of office I shall always be the President of all the Portuguese.

The political parties, in their turn, have the responsibility to hear and clarify the people, and to present and argue their proposals, since it is the parties which have to put forward the governing solutions for the challenges Portugal is facing.

People of Portugal,

I appeal you all to vote in tomorrow’s election.

This election is particularly important.

Due to the complex international economic situation, due to the difficult situation the Country is facing, and because the issue in question is the choice of the path which we must tread in the following years.

As President of the Republic, I can guarantee: what is at issue is too important for us to indulge in staying at home, leaving to others the responsibility to take the decisions which belong to us all.

The day of reflection lived today by the Portuguese, should contribute for each of us to recognize his civic endeavour for the Parliamentary election and for each of us to consciously choose the path he believes best for the Country.

On behalf of Portugal and confident in its future, I renew my appeal to all citizens to exercise their voting right tomorrow.

Good night.

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.