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Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas
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Message from the President of the Republic concerning the Elections to the European Parliament
6 June 2009

People of Portugal,

The elections to choose the members of the European Parliament will be held tomorrow.

In line with the schedules established by the community institutions, these elections will take place simultaneously in several countries of the European Union.

The Portuguese will be called upon to vote on the candidates proposed by the different political parties to represent Portugal in the European Parliament.

I appeal to all not to neglect voting.

These elections are important for the future of Europe and for Portugal.

In order that Portugal asserts itself in the midst of the European Union, it is fundamental that the Portuguese show interest in a project that has been essential for our development and which has brought undeniable benefits for Portugal.

The European Parliament, as the voice of the European people, has a role which is more than ever important in the decisions of the Community. Decisions which influence the day-to-day life of Europeans and their future.

Those who believe that the election of members of the European Parliament is a secondary and far fetched reality, a minor issue, that the European Parliament is an irrelevant body that will only remotely affect citizen’s lives, are totally wrong.

On the contrary: the European Parliament, as the representative of the will and of the interests of the citizens of Europe, has been assuming a growing political relevance. With the Treaty of Lisbon, its powers will even be strengthened, and will embrace all the areas of the European Union’s activities.

It is wrong to think that tomorrow’s elections are of little interest for the living conditions of the Portuguese and for the modernization and development of our Country. Much depends upon the policies and measures decided by the European Union.

We must not forget that a great part of the legislation in force amongst us, which rules our lives and our activities, is the result of the work of the European Union, in which the European Parliament exercises a central role.

People of Portugal

Abstention is not a solution. We must not allow others to decide our future.

The European Parliament will take decisions which will have direct implications in the lives of us all, both as regards the budget and community funds.

We live in an expanded Europe, in which Portugal’s voice must be heard in the most diversified areas: in agriculture, in fisheries, in transport, in industry, in trade, but also in the field of energy security and climate change or in that of foreign affairs, including relations with Portuguese speaking countries.

All this will be in play tomorrow.

At a time of international economic and financial crisis in which we are living, European policies will have a direct influence in the recovery of our economy and in the fight against unemployment and poverty situations.

It will be very easy, very handy, not to cast your vote. But we are not living an age of ease. We are living an age of responsibility.

And I ask: what right will we have to complain about European policies if, when we were called upon to decide, at the moment when we could choose, we opted not to appear?

The members of the European Parliament have the enormous responsibility the defend Portugal’s legitimate interests.

Tomorrow, the Portuguese have the enormous responsibility to choose, with their vote, those that can better defend us in the midst of the European Union.

I repeat: it is the defence of the national interests in Europe which will be at issue in tomorrow’s elections.

People of Portugal

Once the electoral campaign has ended, during which the Portuguese had the opportunity to be introduced to the several candidates and in which these put forward their proposals, it is my duty, as President of the Republic, in this day of reflection previous to the electoral act, to appeal to you all to exercise your voting rights.

On behalf of Portugal, on behalf of a better future, I wish to say to you all: this is an age of responsibility, not an age of ease.

Voting is a right, but it is also a duty.

A civic duty with which we must all comply for the future of Portugal.

Good night.

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