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Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Palácio de Belém, 2 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres


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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic in the Commemorating Ceremony of the 98th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic
Praça do Município - Lisbon, 5 October 2008

Honourable Speaker of Parliament,
Honourable Prime Minister,
Honourable Mayor of Lisbon,
People of Portugal,

The Republic was proclaimed, in this Square, precisely 98 years ago.

From the veranda of the City Hall, José Relvas announced that Portugal had changed its regime.

We then lived times of hope. The Republic was a dream for a better and fairer Portugal.

In our times, it is also with hope, with dreams and with ambition that we must celebrate the anniversary of the Republic.

The 5th October must be a source of inspiration and of mustering for all the Portuguese.

We must draw together. We must awaken the collective ambition that turned Portugal into a free and sovereign nation.

I will not hide that we are living difficult times. The Portuguese are well aware of it, because they live such difficulties in their day-to-day existence.

Many families have difficulties in paying the loans they obtained to purchase their homes.

There are aged people whose pensions are hardly enough for their essential needs.

There are young people who anxiously search for their first employment.

There are men and women who have lost their jobs.

New patterns of poverty and social exclusion are appearing and, in parallel, shocking disparities in income are emerging.

What is being lived by the people cannot be eluded by the politicians,

When reality is compelled as manifest there are no means to avoid it.

Portugal has registered weak economic growth indices. We have moved away from the levels of prosperity and well being of our European partners. We have not yet reversed the unsustainable trend of external indebtedness.

Deep inequalities still prevail between the different regions.

The international situation, on the other hand, is not favourable.

The high prices of oil and food stuffs combine with the increase in interest rates.

The inefficiency in the regulation and supervision of the financial markets which recently emerged in the United States, and the size of the crisis associated with it, are the source of great global concerns.

The economies of the European countries, our main trading partners, are registering a clear downturn.

People of Portugal

It is in such times that the backbone of a people can be proven.

This is the time when those that serve the institutions of the Republic must prove their real value and their vision of the future.

Times are difficult, but the will and the wish of the Portuguese must be stronger.

We have the capability to do so – and we have already shown it throughout our history of many centuries, of which we are legitimately proud.

In the past we believed in ourselves, we did not conform and we reached far.

More recently, the way we established democracy and built a civil society of free people should motivate us.

As we have to feel motivated by the enterprising capability of the Portuguese and Luso-descendent communities in foreign parts.

We all have responsibilities.

Civic responsibilities, republican duties.

Responsibilities towards the preceding generations – which we have the tendency to recall only as heroes of the past, without thinking of them as examples for the present.

We have duties towards the coming generations.

Our children, our grandchildren will not forgive us if we lower our arms, if we should not be capable to make the correct choices and overcome the difficulties that Portugal is facing.

It is also thinking of them, in the Country of the future, that we must see in the Republic an inspiring model and the stimulus to act.

Portugal can be whatever we want it to be.

We have privileged geographic conditions to serve as a platform between Europe and the Atlantic.

History left assets of sympathy and knowledge in the five continents which we must know how to husband.

Our language is spoken by millions of human beings.

We have a vast cultural heritage which we must preserve and protect. We are a cohesive nation and a unique State.

The Portuguese political regime is perfectly rooted and stabilized, the fundamental State institutions are functioning, and the system of governance does not differ from those that exist in the older European democracies.

We are living in a period of political stability and there are conditions of governance.

It is true that spot changes must and should be introduced to improve the quality of democracy and to bring nearer the power of the people.

It is true that there is much to be done to improve the quality of public services.

But it is no less true that we can be legitimately proud of the path we have come through since the 25th April.

Potential exists. We must learn how to take advantage from it.

Our ambition to return to the real convergence with the average development of the European Union and reduce unemployment must remain alive.

This is where the debate and the political agenda should be focused.

The strengthening of the competitive capability of our enterprises is within our grasp.

There is today a new generation of entrepreneurs knowledgeable of the demands of globalization, infused with a culture of innovation and of excellence.

We have entrepreneurs who consider themselves as agents of change, who know that the success of their companies is not dependent upon the protection of the State nor can it be based on the exchange of favours or by copying obsolete models.

New entrepreneurs have already become aware that the success of their projects depends upon their capability to face the competition in the global economy.

Our ambition to improve the purchasing power of those that live from their work and to reduce the levels of poverty must equally remain alive.

It is also here that the priority of the political agenda must lie.

The investment in education and qualification of human resources is consensual amongst politicians, economists and social executants. In the light of a culture of demand, and by not allowing ease of avail, we will surely increase the skills of our young people.

The productivity of our labour force will grow in the future. We will be able to strengthen the technological content of national production. .

Let us be realistic: there is still much to be done, but effort and work will give us the capability.

Throughout the Country I have found instances that make me face the future with confidence: researchers on a level with the best in the world, universities and companies that cooperate successfully, young people admirably dedicated to voluntary work, entrepreneurs hopeful that the State does not place obstacles on their dynamism.

Portuguese workers are determined to contribute towards the increase in national wealth.

The climate in labour relations is better than in the majority of countries in the European Union.

In social coordination, the sense of responsibility of the various partners is predominating.

People of Portugal

We are undoubtedly living difficult times. The future is uncertain and, in many cases, bringing grave concern.

Because I always speak the truth to the Portuguese, and because I have always held the principle to know the realities of the Country, listen to my fellow citizens and hear their concerns, I am well aware that many are crossing moments of uncertainty in facing the future.

When the present is difficult we are always tempted to believe that the future will equally be so.

But, in reality, the future will be what the citizens of our Republic make of it.

The Portuguese have already understood that the State will not resolve all their problems.

They have the right to expect that the State carries out its duties as well as it should. That it is disciplined and deliberate in the use of public moneys and that taxes are fair and reasonable.

The State has to guarantee two essential principles: justice and security. It must promote the access of all to health care, just as it must provide education with quality and a network of social security that protects the people in difficult times of life.

The State must never forget those that have very little, the more fragile and unprotected, those who are in situations of poverty.

People of Portugal

The Republic is a model of civic and ethical virtues.

The Republic demands from all a new attitude, made of non-conformism and of hope. Because there are motives for hope, there are reasons for non-conformism.

I speak in the light of the commitment to truth that I have held since the first day I took office.

Just as I do not hide the truth about the difficult times we are living in, I do not hide the truth of my faith in a better Portugal.

Truth generates trust; illusion is the source of disbelief.

I know what we are capable of.

We are able to conquer when the challenges are greater.

In the name of the Republic I ask the Portuguese to believe in themselves, in their capabilities.

Do not allow yourselves to be vanquished by pessimism or lack of enthusiasm.

In your day-to-day lives, in the family, in your jobs, in your civic deportment, know how to take advantage of your potential and of the natural and human resources the Country has available.

This is the time to take decisions, weighted decisions. And decisions about the future belong to all manner of Portuguese.

This is why I place my great hope in all manner of Portuguese, a hope that feeds on the dream of a better Republic.

I believe in a better Republic because I believe in our people.

I believe in the Portuguese Republic and I am proud of being the President of the citizens of this Republic.

Thank you.

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You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.