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Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
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Speech by the President of the Republic at the commemorative Ceremony of the 900th Anniversary of the Charter of Arganil
Arganil, 7 September 2014

I was very pleased to accept the invitation to take part in the celebrations of the Day of the Municipality, also associated, in 2014, to the celebrations of the 900th anniversary of the granting of the Charter to Arganil and to the 500th anniversary of the Manueline Charter.

I am grateful for the very kind words addressed me by the Mayor and by the President of the Municipality and by the granting of the Municipal Gold Medal, with which I am greatly honoured.

This is a year filled with chronological events for this millenary land, where the concerns with social, economic, fiscal and judicial organization are older than our nationality, with classical incunabula that attest the historical importance of the town of Arganil.

Throughout centuries, people searched for locations where they could enjoy security and well-being. We know that they found it here, in Arganil, and in so many villages and towns in the interior of the Country.

From this ancient past there is an interesting collection of bronze weights – that I had the opportunity to view a few moments ago – donated to Arganil in 1499 by King D. Manuel I, who would grant the town, a few years later, with its new Charter.

The standardization of weights and measures was a very important advance in the fight for safety and justice in the Country and a crucial step for the development of the economy. The concern already existed in those days that all Portuguese should enjoy equal and fair treatment. This is a continuing demand which largely surpasses weights and measures.

We know that, with the passing of centuries, many left here with the legitimate ambition to find a better future. Even so, many have returned and others arrived here to become established in these lands of Arganil.

A few decades ago the seclusion of many of our towns and villages seemed impossible to overcome. Means of communication and new technologies ended that seclusion.

Arganil is today nearer to urban centres. The concerted efforts of Central and Local Administration also allowed better living conditions for its inhabitants. This is an undisputed reality.

It is thus nonsensical, for this reason, that nostalgia is husbanded for the past times of these interior lands.

Interiority, more than a stigma, must be taken as an incentive. In order that, with resourcefulness and art, new paths are found for growth and assertion of identity. The change that has occurred in the economic basis of the county of Arganil undoubtedly proves it.

Interiority must not be allowed to discourage us, nor can it be an excuse to demand compensation for disadvantages that the blending of Geography and History may represent.

We have to learn how to look for the endogenous resources of each region, to find what exists that is special and unique in these lands. We have to accept the challenge to improve the life of these counties with what is their reality.

It is justly with this spirit that I view the occurrence, here in Arganil, of the centenary Mont’Alto Fair and of the innovative FICABEIRA. The fact that the two fairs take place at the same time shows how relevant and valuable are the diverse contribution of each of them to attract tourists and benefit local development.

The Mont’Alto Fair beguiles with the exhibition of its products and handicrafts and by the disclosure of local gastronomy. FICABEIRA – The Beira Serra Fair of Industrial, Commercial and Agricultural Activities contributes, since 1980, towards the economic development of this region.

Mister Mayor,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Shrewd and conscientious advantage must be taken of the enormous natural beauty of the magnificent landscapes that are opened up to us when we pass through, with crystal clear waters, fluvial beaches and inspiring routes. The County Council has been giving this task all the attention it deserves.

The tourist networks that summon this region, such as the Historic Villages and Shale Villages, must be improved, due to the special characteristics that await their visitors.

It is important that this work is continuous and with the greatest possible national and international dissemination. It is, above all, fundamental, that everybody interacts for this purpose, so that it travels across the borders of each county.

What we can gain from working jointly, duly coordinated and with a common objective, is surely better than the sum total of individual efforts with diverse objectives.

In our Country, local authorities have an irreplaceable role, which brings together knowledge of local reality with the capability of intervening with regional and governmental bodies.

Members of local authorities are responsible for a positive and creative action that enables the preservation and the feasibility of resources.

They are now also and more than ever responsible, to support and muster private initiative, signalling the resources of their county, searching

for investment and creation of employment.

Such as is the case with all public bodies, local authorities are duty bound to carry out a balanced, strict and conscientious management of the budgets that they have been attributed. Populations have already understood that budgetary waste and extravagance, both locally and nationally, impair their living conditions.

It is also important to stress the role performed by local authorities in the social support to the people who have suffered most with the crisis that the Country has lived through in recent years and which it is now endeavouring to grow out of, as a result of the perseverance, fighting spirit and sense of responsibility of the Portuguese.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Portugal will start using, very soon, the funds of a new community support framework. European funds are an essential instrument to stimulate the growth of our economy and the creation of qualified employment.

In this new community framework, investment will not be focused on infrastructure but on support to companies, to foster innovation and competitiveness.

In addition to this, funds for the country’s less developed regions will be reinforced. The intention is that these funds will not be an ephemeral benefit, but that they are used to generate durable wealth and employment.

It is imperative that our Country takes the best possible advantage of this further opportunity given us by European integration.

In spite of the route already taken, of the reforms carried out and of the positive results achieved, it is obvious that there is still much to be done and that the adverse days are not yet over. We must mistrust the illusionary promises of an easy and undemanding future.

Portugal must not regress in its external competitiveness. We cannot allow that a new imbalance in its external accounts and public finance jeopardizes the future of our progeny. We have the responsibility to provide them with a horizon of hope.

The Portuguese of the interior and those of the littoral, those of the South and of the North, the younger and the older, independently from their convictions, all of them aspire to a fairer and more prosperous country.

More than a legitimate ambition, this is a national aim, an aim that requires the mustering of us all. More than ever Portugal requires the cohesion of the Portuguese.

In this Day of the Municipality, in which Arganil celebrates outstanding dates of its history, I address you all my greetings and a prosperous future for this region.

Thank you very much.

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