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Visita às salinas
Visita às salinas
Rio Maior, 3 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Visita às salinas



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Speech by the President of the Republic when visiting the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice
Hall of Justice, Bogotá, Colombia, 17 April 2013

I am very grateful, Madam President, for your generous welcome in this Supreme Court, the Colombian Hall of Justice.

Justice is a universal ideal, the legitimate ambition of all the World’s peoples. A State that wants to assert itself with the Rule of Law must associate justice carried out in the courts to political democracy, guaranteeing independence and impartiality. Justice is administered by judges on behalf of the people and it is before the people, within the citizens’ community, that the ambition for justice becomes materialized.

The sovereignty of justice demands peace. Without peace, justice does not comprise the required independence and stability to enable judges to decide freely.

When visiting the Colombian Supreme Court I cannot sustain the emotion I feel at recalling the memory of the victims of the terrible events in November 1985, amongst them a relevant number of judges.

To all those victims I render my heartfelt tribute and demonstrate the deep respect of the people of Portugal.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Never, as at this time, have we witnessed such an intense dynamism in terms of dialogue, understanding and contacts between politicians, cultural individualities and entrepreneurs of our two countries.

Portugal views in Colombia a partner with whom it wants to tighten the already existing bonds and to promote new means of dialogue and understanding. I hope that my State Visit to Colombia may provide a relevant contribution towards this common objective.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Judicial power is a fundamental pillar of contemporary Rule of Law. The separation of powers and, very particularly, the independence and impartiality of the Courts are crucial for the protection of citizens’ rights, freedom and guarantees, as well as for the confidence of economic agents.

Colombia has nowadays a solid and stabilized judicial power, which has its primary body in this Supreme Court of Justice. Justice faces, in our days, very special challenges. It cannot, however, be alien to the reality that surrounds it, of the citizens’ material needs, of the swiftness demanded by the economic agents.

Equally, Justice cannot be alien to its social dimension, since the Courts must be placed at the service of the People. Justice is an essential component of peace within society. Ultimately, it is its duty to avoid that “times of crisis” are converted into “times of anger”. The Courts are thus, a fundamental pillar of any pacifying process.

I would wish that, in the terms of the respective Constitutions and legal ordinances, and within the scope of our bilateral relationship, cooperation between Portugal and Colombia will also be fruitful in the judicial field.

Madam President,

Thanking you, once more, for the hospitality shown us, I take this opportunity to wish good fortune to Your Excellency and to all those who, in Colombia, are driven towards the promotion of Justice and Peace.

Thank you very much.

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