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Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 19 de janeiro de 2016 see more: Visita ao Hospital das Forças Armadas



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Speech delivered by the President of the Republic in the Luanda International Fair
Luanda, 20 July 2010

I am very pleased to visit the Luanda International Fair, a display of the dynamism of the Angolan economy, on this which is the Day of Portugal in FILDA and on the first occasion when this Fair elects Portugal as an invited country.

It would not be easy to find a better site and a better time to address you all and, in particular, the entrepreneurial community.

The fact that Portugal is the first invited country to the Luanda International Fair is an honour and an indication of Angola’s interest in the deepening of relations with Portugal.

In latter years we have viewed a relevant growth of the emerging economies within the global economic context. This increased role of the emerging economies must be faced as a structural phenomenon and of prime importance to understand the future of the world economy.

I particularly note that the economies of Sub-Saharan Africa have clocked growth rates systematically greater the 5 per cent since 2002, a level they should again reach in 2010 or 2011 after the slowing down in 2009, in line with the negative cycle of the world economy.

The Portuguese economic agents should view the developing of the emerging economies as a very relevant opportunity for the expansion of their business, diversification of exports and investments.

Similarly, I am certain that Angola will know how to benefit from its comparative advantages and strengthen its presence in the international market and in its external economic relations.

In this context the approach between Portugal and Angola is a natural corollary, justified by the communion of interests surrounding evident complementarities, in the most diversified sectors, benefiting from historical, cultural and linguistic reasons.

It is thus not surprising that Angola is already the fourth greatest destination of Portuguese exports and that the interests of the Portuguese and the Angolans, in both countries, are so enhanced.

I believe, however, that our economic relationship can be reinforced, especially at the qualitative level.

I have often referred the importance of companies’ social responsibility, specifically regarding the effects of the crisis. In Angola’s case, it is a question of envisaging the presence of our companies in a strategic and future perspective.

This strategic dimension depends largely on the capacity to combine the economic interest of corporations with the capacity to directly contribute towards the social development of the people, starting through the qualification of the local human resources, including providing support to the programmes and initiatives that promote the Portuguese language.

It is essential to establish a strategy of permanency in Angola based upon objectives and tools that are obviously long term: innovation, cooperation partnerships and agreements, socio-professional capability, social responsibility.

I do not ignore that the answer to an appeal for companies’ social responsibility will be easier the better the financial situation of the companies concerned and the more promising their future perspectives.

The talks I have held regarding this have left me in no doubt that the Angolan authorities are fully conscious of the advantages and mutual benefits deriving from this approach process between our two countries.

They equally share with us the conviction that the benefits resulting from this approach will grow higher the lesser are the risk factors that can be added on to those that are implicit to any investment or commercial undertaking. And that reciprocity and transparency are golden rules in the relations between countries.

I thus believe that the signals that have already been given to meet the concerns of the entrepreneurs will become mutually acceptable solutions in the very near future. It is fundamental, as I have underlined, that such solutions are not oblivious of the small and medium sized companies.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

During my Visit I have been reminded of the importance of calling the attention of Portuguese entrepreneurs to the opportunities that exist in other parts of the vast Angolan territory, away from Luanda, and that could be exploited with mutual benefits.

Opportunities related to sectors in which Angola intends to invest, within a framework of a policy of diversification in the structure of its economy. Sectors such as fisheries, cattle breeding, food industries, forestry, hydro energy and bio-fuels, amongst others.

Opportunities favoured by relevant investments in infrastructures which have already been carried out and that have been programmed.
This structural approach which has been based upon a vision of the future has the advantage to simultaneously contribute towards Angola’s cohesion and sustainable development, for the success of companies’ investments and for the consolidation of their presence in this country.

A solid entrepreneurial presence also allows that obtaining benefits from Angola’s potential as a platform for access to Southern African countries is made easier.

In effect, the regional Southern African Development Community (SADC) – that comprises the triangle defined by Mozambique, Angola and South Africa – offers extremely interesting investment opportunities, resources and potentialities, with a market of 250 million consumers.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The world’s economic and financial crisis affected everyone, including Portugal and Angola. However, as I recently reminded, no crisis is permanent, and there is need to consider with redoubled attention an enlarged number of countries, markets and business solutions. Angola is clearly a part of that number.

A final word of stimulus and confidence for young entrepreneurs. For young Portuguese, whose Association is also represented here and also for young Angolan entrepreneurs. We are standing before a generation who are closely acquainted with our current global reality, but that maybe for this reason are not aware of or understand the importance for entrepreneurial life represented by cultural, historical and linguistic bonds that link us and the need to strengthen them.

Let us become aware of how to create the conditions for these links to be reinforced and how to obtain fruitful results from the energy and enterprising capabilities of the Portuguese and the Angolans. This is one of the objectives that brought me on this State Visit to Angola.

Thank you very much.

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