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Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas
Lisboa, 17 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de despedida das Forças Armadas



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Speech addressed by the President of the Republic at the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Mutual Credit Society of Arruda dos Vinhos
Arruda dos Vinhos, 18 December 2009

Honourable Mayor
Chairman of Agricultural Credit
Chairman of the Arruda dos Vinhos Mutual Credit Society
Chairman of the General Meeting of the Arruda dos Vinhos Mutual Credit Society

Arruda dos Vinhos is one of the oldest counties in the country. This area is doubly fortunate: it is next door to Lisbon but far from the capital’s turbulence. It benefits from the nearness of a great centre, but continues to be the land of windmills, the land that preserves environment and its history. It is the beauty of the hills and vales of Estremadura.

The reason which brought me to Arruda dos Vinhos today was to be party to a mutual task commenced by several men of good will. A long task, which is already fifty years old but which will continue young, renewing itself annually.

I must congratulate the officers of the Arruda dos Vinhos Mutual Credit Society, its staff and of course, the hundreds of associates which justify the existence and the work of this institution.

And, above all, to congratulate those who, fifty years ago, decided to join together to create a new institution. An institution which, uniting the efforts of many, allowed the progress and development of local agriculture.

This capability to join efforts to resolve issues is proper to this location, the country of a physician who immortalized the figure of “João Semana”, our traditional Country Doctor. The physician who abandons the comfort of his home during the night to answer the call of duty, who rides over hills and vales to bring help to the needful.

The founders of the Farmers’ Mutual Credit Society were also able to answer the call of duty and to part with some of what is theirs for the benefit of the development of Arruda dos Vinhos. Their names were engraved on a plaque which I had the pleasure to unveil a few moments ago because they deserve to be remembered.

I particularly greet the founder who is with us here today, Mister Asdrúbal Duarte Cunha. His example is recognized by us all. I equally greet the first employee of the Institution Mrs. Maria Manuela Neves, who has also given us the pleasure of her company.

I am aware of the solidity of your Mutual Credit Society and of its results. I know it has been managed with care and best practices, and that it has crossed, calmly and successfully, the turbulent period which has rocked all the financial system.

I have long had a particular affection for Agricultural Mutual Credit. I recognize the relevance of its contribution for the development of our economy, especially the rural areas; I am appreciative of its organization and performance and above all the relations of proximity they have developed with the local communities.

The already long history of Agricultural Mutual Credit records, as is natural, periods of expansion crossed by others of stagnation and difficulties.

What is important, however, is that Agricultural Mutual Credit has arrived at our days with strength, with objectives for the future and with results which are the pride of their leaders and associates.

In spite of its notable evolution, Agricultural Mutual Credit Societies enlarged their activities but did not stray either from their original mission of supporting agriculture, from where the majority of their associates originate, or from essentially rural areas, where the main body of their branches are located.

I would emphasize that, in 250 of our towns and villages, the only existing banking institutions there are Farmers’ Mutual Credit Societies.
Farming and rural areas are much in need of Mutual Agricultural Credit.

In line with what is happening in other regions of our country, also here, in Arruda dos Vinhos, farming is going through difficult times, deriving from the accumulation of circumstances, some historic and others more recent, which must be faced with determination, with rigour and with the solidarity of the Country and of the European Union.

A European debate has now been started which will lead to another process of reform of the Common Agricultural and Rural Development Policy of the Union, to take place from 2013 onward.

It is crucial that Portugal is mustered to take part in this debate, in order to effectively defend its national interests and that of its rural areas, the development of which I believe is the prime essential objective of our national cohesion.

To finish, dear friends, I wish the Farmers’ Mutual Credit Society, its leaders and associates, great prosperity for and that they may celebrate their anniversaries for many more years. Your already long history is one of the best guarantees for our future.

In Arruda dos Vinhos, in the land of Irene Lisboa, I recall a teacher of great merit and an unfairly forgotten writer. Her work was distinguished by a direct and sincere language and by the love for the simple things that bring a sense to life. The most human of our authors, as recorded by João Gaspar Simões.

One of Irene Lisboa’s delicious books for children was called “One Hand Full of Nothing, Another Full of Nothing Else”. Allow me to tell you: whoever comes to Arruda dos Vinhos leaves with both hands full of so much. Full of instances of dedication to their land and of examples of dedication for the public good.

Examples given by local authorities, citizens, small farmers, companies and also by institutions such as the Farmers’ Mutual Credit Society. Simple things maybe, but those which have greater value.

Thank you very much.

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