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Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres
Palácio de Belém, 2 de fevereiro de 2016 see more: Cerimónia de agraciamento do Eng. António Guterres



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Address by the President of the Republic at the State Banquet in honour of Their Majesties, the Kings of Jordan
Ajuda National Palace, 16 March 2009

Your Majesties,
Honourable guests,

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Your Majesties and the distinguished members of Your Majesties’ delegation on your first official visit to Portugal.

My wife and I recall with great satisfaction the generous hospitality offered to us during what was the first official visit of a Portuguese Head of State to Jordan, as well as its very positive outcomes. We sincerely hope Your Majesties feel as welcome in Portugal as we were in Jordan.

Since diplomatic relations between Portugal and Jordan were established, in 1972, both our countries have built a solid relationship founded on friendship, mutual respect and the shared values of peace, tolerance and human rights.

For historical, cultural and geographical reasons, Portugal has a solid relationship with southern Mediterranean countries and the Arab world. Portuguese influence in many Arab countries and Arab influence in Portugal are still visible in our language, literature, art, architecture, music, gastronomy, representing a part of our identity we are all proud of.

The special ties that draw us closer to the Arab world and the interests that we share with the Mediterranean make this region not only one of the priorities of our foreign policy, but also an area of confluence of interests between Portugal and Jordan.

Both our countries are active promoters of the continued reinforcement of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Like Jordan, we too believe that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a priority of strategic relevance, not only for promoting peace and stability in the region, but also to ensure international security.

As sustained by the Arab Peace Initiative, cooperation between all parties, including, first and foremost, the parties to the conflict, is of paramount importance for the cease-fire to give way to a process of reconciliation, granting both Israelis and Palestinians the future of peace and the economic and social development they deserve.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Jordan on its efforts in different fronts of the peace process and, in particular, in promoting Arab unity and reconciliation.

Through the example of tolerance, freedom and peaceful living that characterises its society, its knowledge of the realities in presence and its interlocution capacity, Jordan plays an essential role in fostering constructive dialogue between both parties.

Your Majesty and the Jordanian people moderation, openness to dialogue and dedication to the peace cause are a source of hope which is especially important and inspiring in the difficult period that the peace process currently crosses.

Allow me to take this opportunity to highlight the special contribution of Her Majesty, Queen Rania, which the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe rightfully acknowledged this afternoon.

Jordan is an essential partner of Portugal for better understanding and assessing a situation whose importance to us is reflected in the presence of a Portuguese contingent in the forces of UNIFIL.

Your Majesties,

Today we had the opportunity, once again, to reaffirm our excellent bilateral relations and our firm commitment in enhancing our countries’ cooperation in all areas.

The quality of our political ties, the values and interests we share, allow us to approach with ambition the future of our cooperation.

Portugal is today a modern and competitive country, positioned in the wider context of the European Union and committed to rising to the challenges of globalisation through greater investment in research, education and innovation.

Jordan is a steadily growing country with an open economy, a dynamic and entrepreneurial class of businessmen, having the European Union as its main commercial partner. Furthermore, it is endowed with highly qualified human resources, good infra-structures and a strategic position enabling it to operate as a platform of regional expansion.

I am certain that Portuguese entrepreneurs will have an active role to play in the process of Jordan’s modernisation and economic growth, whilst benefiting from the opportunities that the country has to offer for the development of solid partnerships which will enhance their presence in the region.

The business contacts taking place in the context on this visit have stemmed from the promising outcomes that we have seen in this area since last year and now, with the Agreement on Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Investments, they will strengthen the projects, partnerships, investments and business opportunities between both countries.

Your Majesties,

This is a time of great challenges at a global scale. Only a concerted action by the international community will allow us to efficiently fight terrorism and poverty, ensure peace and safety, and recover the necessary confidence to provide a new boost to the economy and foster equal and sustainable development. Only through strong and representative multilateral institutions will we find effective solutions for the global problems of our times, which are embraced by all.

For this reason, on behalf of a more effective multilateralism, of the principles and values essential to the United Nations, but also on behalf of equitable representation of all the countries in the Security Council, Portugal has presented its candidacy to a non-permanent member seat of the Security Council for the biennium 2011-12.

It is with great pleasure that I highlight and thank Jordan for its endorsement of the Portuguese candidacy from the first moment, which is an unequivocal sign of the excellent political relationship between our two countries.

I am certain that we will take advantage of the historical, human and cultural ties drawing our peoples together, of our belonging to the Euro-Mediterranean region, and of the convergence of our interests, for consolidating a closer partnership for the benefit of our peoples.

I conclude by reiterating the pleasure my wife and I have in receiving Your Majesties, King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, on your official visit to Portugal, and ensuring that Jordan can count on my determination and that of the Portuguese people to build a relationship with the future that both our countries aspire to.

Thank you very much.

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