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Speech addressed by the President of the Republic on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of the Islamic Community in Lisbon
Lisbon Mosque, June 22, 2008

Honourable Dr. Abdool Karim Vakil, President of the Islamic Community of Lisbon
Honourable Sheikh David Munir
Honourable Professor Asma Barlas
Members of the Islamic Community of Lisbon
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the Lisbon Central Mosque which, since 1985, is the welcome centre for the faithful Muslims, I am pleased to greet all the Islamic community residing in Portugal. .

The Portuguese State guarantees total religious freedom and endeavours to offer all religious confessions the necessary conditions for the free exercise of their cult.

The Portuguese Muslims do not have to choose between being Portuguese or Muslims. They take part in the Country’s collective life and work, with the other Portuguese, for the common good. They live their faith in freedom, such as all the Muslims of other nationalities that live amongst us.

So many years of living in common taught us how to respect the creeds and traditions that each one embraces. Portugal can even be pointed out as an example of sociability amongst the faithful of several religions.

I am however convinced that it is not enough just to be tolerant. Tolerance can anyway be an attitude that reveals mere indifference that could mean living in the same country but with doors closed to our neighbours. This, of course, is the lack of knowledge that opens the doors to mutual incomprehension.

We all know that Islam is a religion of peace and harmony.

As such it is important to stress that in Portugal we were able to learn Islam’s message of peace. This is an important message for the whole of Europe, for a Europe where we wish harmony in the conviviality of religions, without renouncing to its Christian origins.

There are reasons that explain the fact that the Portuguese know how to separate the wheat from the chaff. The prolonged history of the permanent relationship with Islam and the Islamic cultural heritage which we received and which has stamped us forever are the main interpretations I find for this.

These reasons are unequivocally joined by the balanced and pacifying activity of the Islamic Community of Lisbon and of its officers, amongst which you will allow me to single out the figures of Presidents Suleiman Valy Mamede, unfortunately already deceased, and of Abdool Karim Vakil.

From the moment when, in the already distant year of 1968, fifteen Muslims officially founded it, the Islamic Community of Lisbon has, in accordance with what was advisably written into its charter, defended the cultural identity of its members and promoted their full integration into Portuguese society. And it has incessantly searched to disseminate Islam’s aims of tolerance, knowledge and justice.

It is quite clear in the Koran that for Muslims human diversity is a blessing from God, and that all men must open their hearts to learn how to understand each other.

The Koran says:

Oh men! It is certain (…) that we made you into nations and tribes, so that you would come to know each other.”

Let us know each other; this is the first commandment to share a life in common. Because knowledge is the root of understanding.

The celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Islamic Community of Lisbon offers us one more opportunity, which we are duty bound to take advantage of, that of promoting mutual knowledge.

There is in effect still much to be done, much to know of. One thing is certain: Christians, Muslims, Jews or Hindus may use differing modes of dress or pray in different ways. Internally, however, we are equal, we share the same fears and uncertainties, we wish for the same joys and hopes. Like all men, after all.

The Koran states that one of the names of Paradise is “Home of Peace”. As an honorary member of the Islamic Community of Lisbon I state it with conviction: here as well, in this home of all Muslims, I feel at peace.

Assalamu Aleikum, may peace be with you all.

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