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Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas
Lamego, 9 de junho de 2015 see more: Comemorações do Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas


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President congratulated medalled Portuguese canoeists in the Sprint Championships held in Germany

The President of the Republic sent a message of congratulations to the Portuguese canoeists that were awarded gold and bronze medals in the Sprint Championships held in Germany.

Following is the text of the message sent by President Cavaco Silva:

“Portuguese canoeing achieved, in this week-end, it’s better than ever performance, being awarded six medals – one gold and six bronze.
I congratulate all Portuguese canoeists who, with exceeding sportsmanship, represented Portugal in this event, held in Germany.

Deserving of congratulations are athletes João Ribeiro, Emanuel Silva, Fernando Pimenta, David Fernandes, Teresa Portela and Hélder Silva, for the achievement of a gold medal in the K2 500 event and for the bronze medals achieved in the K4 1000, K1 200, K1 500, K1 5000 and C1 200.

I equally congratulate these athletes’ technical supporting team, to all of whom I wish the best of personal happiness and success in sports.

“Aníbal Cavaco Silva"


© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.