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30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias
Lisboa, 8 de janeiro de 2016 see more: 30.º aniversário da adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias

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4 January 2016

The President of the Republic decorates with the grade of Commander of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, the President of the Portuguese Olympic Committee and three Olympic medallists

5 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Judge President of the Constitutional Court

5 January 2016

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Portugal’s joining the European Communities, the President of the honours several individualities connect with the process of European integration

5 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the compliments of the Portuguese Ambassadors accredited with several States and international organization, on the occasion of the Diplomatic Seminar being held in Lisbon.

6 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Leaders of the Parliamentary Groups, the Speaker of Parliament and his deputies, who will present him with compliments for the New Year

6 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Philharmonic Band of the Portuguese Association of Parents and Friends of the Mentally Disabled Citizen, from Castelo Branco, the “Espranjar” Choral Group, from Fermentelos, Águeda, the Carolling Group “Our Roots”, of the Association for the Support the Visually Deficient of the Braga District, from Póvoa de Lanhoso, and the Dance and Carolling Group of the “Montes da Senhora” Social, Cultural and Recreation Centre, from Proença-a-Nova, who will sing the traditional “Janeiras” (Seasonal Carols) in the Palace of Belém

7 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the governing officers of the National Federation of Juvenile Associations

7 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meeting

8 January 2016

The President of the Republic attends a Commemorative Ceremony of Portugal’s adhesion to the European Communities, where he will deliver a speech
Venue: Jerónimos Monastery, Lisbon

11 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Officers of the Portuguese Association of Numerous Families

11 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Officers of the Centre for the Studies of Portuguese Languages Peoples and Cultures

12 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives letters credential from new Ambassadors to Portugal
Ambassador from Ukraine, Ms. Inna Ohnvets
Ambassador from Thailand, Krairawee Sirikut
Ambassador from Servia, Oliver Antic
Joint presentation of credentials from Non-Resident Ambassadors:

- Ambassador from Djibouti, Ayied Mousseid Yahya
- Ambassador from Fiji, Deo Saran
- Ambassador from Sri Lanka, Tilak Ranaviraja
- Ambassador from Zambia, Humphrey Chibanda

12 January 2016

The President of the Republic empowers the new members of the Council of State

13 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives New Year greetings from the Diplomatic Corps accredited in Portugal, and will then deliver an address
Venue: Queluz National Palace

14 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives New Year greetings from the Armed Forces Chiefs of Staff, whom he then hosts for lunch

14 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meting

18 January 2016

The President of the Republic presides at the inaugural act of the manufacturer of agricultural and industrial equipment TOMIX
Location: Ramalhal, Torres Vedras

19 January 2016

The President of the Republic decorates with the Grade of Honorary Member of the Order of Public Education the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (ICSP)

19 January 2016

The President of the Republic holds a visit to the Armed Forces Hospital
Location: Azinhaga dos Ulmeiros, Paço do Lumiar, Lisbon

20 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Governing Officers of CASES – António Sérgio Cooperative for Social Economy

20 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives New Year Greetings from the President and Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court of Justice, from the President and Judges of the Constitutional Court, from the President and Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Adminis
President and Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court of Justice
President and Judges of the Constitutional Court
President and Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Administrative Court
Attorney General of the Republic

22 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meting

24 January 2016

The President of the Republic exercises his voting rights in the presidential elections

28 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the President-Elect of the Republic, Prof. Doctor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, whom he will later host at luncheon

29 January 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meting

1 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Secretary General of the Iberian American Conference, Rebeca Grynspan

2 February 2016

The President of the Republic decorates, with the Grand Cross of the Order of Freedom, Ang. António Guterres, former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

3 February 2016

The President of the Republic visits the Public Security Police (PSP) Training School
Location: Forças Armadas Square, Torres Novas

- Guard of Honour
- Visit to Facilities
- Ceremonial Session
  - Speech by the PSP National Director
  - Speech by the President of the Republic
  - Award of decorations
- Group Photograph
- Luncheon

3 February 2016

Visit of the President of the Republic to the County of Rio Maior
Visit to the Rio Maior Salt Mines
Visit to Nobre Alimentação, SA
Visit to the Rio Maior Sports Complex

- Speech by the Mayor of Rio Maior, Dr. Isaura Morais
- Speech by the President of the Republic

4 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meeting

10 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meeting

11 February 2016

The President of the Republic visits the Portalegre Training Centre of the National Republic Guard (GNR)

- Guard of Honour
- Tour of facilities
- Ceremonial Session – Church of the Ancient S. Bernardo Convent
  - Speech by the GNR Commanding Officer, Lieutenant General
    Manuel Mateus Costa da Silva Couto
  - Speech by the President of the Republic
  - Decoration ceremony
- Group photograph
- Luncheon

11 February 2016

The President of the Republic presides at the inaugural act of the Dr. Plínio Serrote Espírito Santo Residential Home and Residential Structure for Aged People of the Portalegre Holy Almshouse

11 February 2016

Visit to the Church of S. Francisco of Évora and Inauguration of the Museum Centre

12 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the President of the Madeira Autonomous Government, Dr. Miguel Albuquerque

12 February 2016

The President of the Republic decorates former Government members with the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator:

- Álvaro Miguel Rodrigues dos Santos Pereira
- António José de Castro Bagão Félix
- Luís Manuel Moreira de Campos e Cunha
- Maria de Lurdes Reis Rodrigues
- Nuno Paulo de Sousa Arrobas Crato
- Paulo José de Ribeiro Moita de Macedo
- Rui Carlos Pereira
- Vítor Louçã Rabaça Gaspar

16 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, General Artur Pina Monteiro

16 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, Prof. Doctor Adriano Moreira and Dr. Nazim Ahmad, Representative in Portugal of the Aga Khan Development Network

16 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the governing officers of the League of Portuguese Firemen

16 February 2016

The President of the Republic visits the Historical Society of Portuguese Independence, where he will deliver an address

17 February 2016

The President of the Republic presides at the Farewell Ceremony promoted by the Armed Forces, to be held in the Military University Institute

- Review of the Forces on Parade
- Tribute to the Fallen in Combat
- Speech by the Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, General Artur Pina Monteiro
- Speech by the President of the Republic
- March Past of the Forces on Parade

17 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meeting.

18 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Representative of the Republic for the Azores Autonomous Region, Ambassador Pedro Catarino

18 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Board of Directors of the Institute for the Promotion and Development of Latin America (IPDAL)

18 February 2016

The President of the Republic decorates a group of individualities of Academia and Culture, as well as the Home of the Artist

Decorations will be awarded to the following (Grade and Order as shown):

- Prof. Doctor Michel Renaud, University Lecturer and Member of the National Council of Ethics for the Science of Life – Commander of the Order of Sant’Iago da Espada
- Prof. Doctor Alberto Duarte Carvalho, University Lecturer - Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator
- Prof. Doctor António Costa de Albuquerque de Sousa Lara, University Lecturer – Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator
- Prof. Doctor Miguel Telles Antunes, University Lecturer and Paleontologist - Grand Officer of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator
- Jorge Fernando da Silva Nunes, Musician and Compose - Commander of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator
- Dr. Nuno de Assis Simões da Costa Rogeiro, University Lecturer, Journalist and Commentator - Commander of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator
- Dr. José Luiz Carvalho Cardoso, Founder of the AESE Business School (Association oh Higher Corporate Studies) – Commander of the Order of Public education
- Home of the Artist (Artists’ Aid Association, Social Solidarity Private Institution – IPSS) – Honorary Member of the Order of Merit

18 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Dr. José Maria Neves

19 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Air Force Chief of General Staff, General José Araújo Pinheiro

24 February 2016

The President of the Republic empowers the Air Force Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Aircraft Pilot Manuel Teixeira Rolo

24 February 2016

The President of the Republic visits the headquarters of the Armed Forces Handicapped Association

24 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the officers of the Association of Entrepreneurs for Social Inclusion (EPIS)

25 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Speaker of the Madeira Regional Parliament, Dr. José Tranquada Gomes

25 February 2016

The President of the Republic decorates, with the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, the Representative of the Republic for the Madeira Autonomous Region, Councillor Ireneu Cabral Barreto

25 February 2016

The President of the Republic receives the Prime Minister for their weekly meeting

26 February 2016

The President of the Republic awards various grades of the Honorific Orders to the following group of executives and entrepreneurs.

The following individualities will be decorated:

- António Manuel Frade Saraiva
- Prof. Doctor João Bento
- Eng. João Manuel Resende Picoito
- Dr. António Raposo de Lima
- Adelino Silva Martins
- José Ricardo Lopes Abrantes
- Dr. Alberto Manuel Coutinho Henriques

29 February 2016

The President of the Republic decorates the former Chief of the Air Force General Staff, General José Araújo Pinheiro, and the Chairman of the Central Board of the League of Combatants, Lieutenant General Joaquim Chito Rodrigues

2 March 2016

The President of the Republic receives letters credential from new Ambassadors in Portugal:
 Ambassador from Georgia, Revaz Beshidze
Ambassador from Pakistan, Ms. Zehra H. Akbari
Ambassador from Moldova, Dumitru Socolan
Ambassador from Peru, Ms. Gloria Lissette Nalvarte Simoni de Isasi

2 March 2016

The President of the Republic honours, with the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, the Chief and the Deputy Chief of State Protocol, respectively Ambassador António Almeida Lima and Dr. Jorge Silva Lopes

3 March 2016

The President of the Republic attends the meeting of the Council of Ministers dedicated to the Sea, at the invitation of the Prime Minister

4 March 2016

The President of the Republic receives, in audience, the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Maria Angela Holguín

7 March 2016

The President of the Republic presides at a ceremony to be held in Cascais County Council, where he will be awarded the Key to the Town and the title of Honorary Citizen of the County.
The President will then deliver an address

9 March 2016

The President of the Republic receives Military Honours by a Squadron of the National Republican Guard before he leaves the Palace of Belém on his way to to Parliament, in order to attend the Empowering Ceremony of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
Venue: Patio dos Bichos, Palace of Belém

9 March 2016

Arrival of the President of the Republic at the Palace of S. Bento (House of Parliament)
- Military Honours
Empowerment Ceremony of the President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

© 2006-2016 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic

You have gained access to the records of the Official Site of the Presidency of the Republic from 9 March 2006 to 9 March 2016.

The contents available here were entered in the site during the 10 year period covering the two mandates of President of the Republic Aníbal Cavaco Silva.