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Presidente da República encontrou-se com Primeiro-Ministro de Singapura (1)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com Presidente de Singapura (1)
Presidente batizou orquídea do Jardim Botânico de Singapura com o nome Maria Cavaco Silva (1)
Presidente encerrou Fórum Económico Portugal-Singapura (1)
Presidente da República em banquete oferecido por homólogo de Singapura (1)
Presidente Cavaco Silva visitou Porto de Singapura (1)
Presidente da República encontrou-se com Primeiro-Ministro de Singapura (2)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com Presidente de Singapura (2)
Presidente batizou orquídea do Jardim Botânico de Singapura com o nome Maria Cavaco Silva (2)
Presidente encerrou Fórum Económico Portugal-Singapura (2)
Presidente da República em banquete oferecido por homólogo de Singapura (2)
Presidente Cavaco Silva visitou Porto de Singapura (2)
Presidente encerrou Fórum Económico Portugal-Singapura (3)
Presidente da República em banquete oferecido por homólogo de Singapura (3)
Presidente Cavaco Silva visitou Porto de Singapura (3)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com Presidente de Singapura (3)
Presidente batizou orquídea do Jardim Botânico de Singapura com o nome Maria Cavaco Silva (3)
Presidente Cavaco Silva reuniu-se com Presidente de Singapura (4)
Presidente batizou orquídea do Jardim Botânico de Singapura com o nome Maria Cavaco Silva (4)
Presidente encerrou Fórum Económico Portugal-Singapura (4)


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Speech by the President of the Portuguese Republic at the closing ceremony of the Economic Forum Singapore-Portugal
Singapore, 28 May 2012

It is with great pleasure that I participate in the closing of this Economic Forum which gathers entrepreneurs from Portugal and Singapore.

On this occasion, I would like to leave you three notes.

The first, to explain our partners in Singapore the advantages of the Portuguese economy and also, obviously, of the European economy of which Portugal is an integral part.

The second, to stress the effort the Portuguese authorities, and Portuguese society in general, are making to achieve rigorously the programme for economic and financial adjustment that will allow Portugal to correct the imbalances its economy has suffered.

My third message is actually an appeal. An appeal for the deepening of economic relations between our two countries.

Portugal is a modern European democracy, where the State and civil society institutions work in an integrated and stable manner. It is also a country which, in its governance, is capable of showing a very high degree of collaboration and consensus among political and social forces.

These key elements, which have been highly valued by our international partners, turn Portugal into a country where the international community can and must invest.

Furthermore, Portugal has existed for the past nine hundred years, which is a remarkable demonstration of its capacity to overcome crises such as the one Europe is now facing.

Our historical, political and cultural proximity to all continents, including Asia, is also an important asset for Portugal’s strategic statement in the community of nations.

Portugal’s business environment today is clearly favourable and we are seen as good partners to do business with and with whom to create joint-ventures.

It is worth mentioning that all our partners and, especially, the European Commission, the IMF, and the ECB have been making a positive assessment of our adjustment programme implementation and of the high level of political and social cohesion upholding it.

Although the present conditions of the European and world economies are still particularly challenging, there is a conviction that the European economy is on the road to recovery.

It should also be noted that the commitment of the European Union countries in the success of the Euro project is unshakeable. The European institutions are finding credible solutions for the various problems that have emerged from the crisis.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Singapore, in common with Portugal, is a bridge between geographies. We both help to create ties among distant continents.

Singapore’s strategic importance in Asia is unquestionable. Singapore is also recognised for the singularity of its model of economic development – its external openness, its investment in executive training, its strong participation in world trade, the flexibility of its economy. The way in which the Singaporean economy adapted to the contraction of international trade, which began in 2008 and is now in a phase of recovery, is really outstanding.

For all these reasons, I invite the Singaporean entrepreneurs to make a thorough evaluation of investment opportunities in Portugal and to forge partnerships with us for the European continent. Portugal has a high number of specific skills in areas that deserve to be capitalised by entrepreneurs from both countries. I believe that we have good reasons to deserve your trust.

I also take this opportunity to invite the young people of Singapore to visit and study in Portugal. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today, two leading higher education institutions – the National University of Singapore and Universidade Nova de Lisboa – are signing a Memorandum of Understanding with a view to increasing management and maritime administration studies.

In this trip to Asia, I have witnessed that Portugal and its institutions enjoy a high degree of credibility in the various countries I travelled through. Our image is strong and we shall do our utmost to reinforce the trust consistently put in us.

I am happy to say that the business environment today, in Portugal, is clearly favourable to investment and entrepreneurship.

Singaporean authorities and enterprises will find in Portugal and in our enterprises natural allies and partners to enhance their participation in the European economy. And I equally encourage Portuguese entrepreneurs to explore business opportunities to be found in Singapore and South East Asia.

I truly thank you for your participation in this Economic Forum. I hope that it has made a relevant contribution to bringing a new dynamism to economic relations between our two countries.

Thank you.

© 2012 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic