Joaquim Santos, Portugal
António Leite de Magalhães, Portugal
The Portuguese Community in Mozambique numbers more than 11,000, and is mainly concentrated in the Provinces of Maputo, Inhambane, Zambezia and Gaza.
The majority of the Portuguese Community resident in Mozambique are natives of the country (approximately 6,000), followed by natives of Portugal (3,845) and of India (547); thus the Luso-descendants are a significant part of the national residents.
Within professional activities, the majority are in the sector of services and in industry. In the latter years the numbers of nationals who are private operators have shown some growth and have contributed to creation of employment mainly in the areas of trade, road transport, hostelry, restaurants, fisheries and agricultural activities.
Based on the Cooperation Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the Republic of Mozambique, the Mozambique Portuguese School was created in 1999, in Maputo.
© 2008 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic