António Leite de Magalhães, Portugal
Alice Santos Silva, Portugal
When commencing this State Visit to Mozambique, at the invitation of President Armando Guebuza, I want, first of all, to address a warm and friendly greeting to all Mozambicans.
It is with great emotion and deep affection that I return to a country to which my wife and I are strongly linked, which we love very much and where we have friends for whom we greatly regard.
I emphasize the political relationship and the strong relations of friendship and cooperation which exist between our two countries.
I congratulate Mozambique and the Mozambicans for the success attained with the consolidation of peace, national reconciliation and democracy, as well as with the strong stake placed on the country’s economic and social progress.
I express the solidarity of the people of Portugal with the victims of the natural disasters which have struck Mozambique and guarantee that all can count with the aid and the endeavour that Portugal and the Portuguese can provide to surpass the difficulties and to react to the challenges placed by the times ahead.
We are united by bonds of affection and by a very special historic and cultural proximity, we share an important heritage with another six sovereign States, which is the Portuguese language, and we want to further strengthen this strategic advantage, more than ever recognized in global terms.
It is my aim, such as that of the deputations in my retinue, to contribute towards a new cycle of economic and entrepreneurial cooperation between both our countries.
And we will do all in our power for this moment to be considered as a marker in the relations between both countries and in the path that Mozambique is treading when facing the great challenge which is the development and the improvement in the living conditions of its peoples.
Aníbal Cavaco Silva
© 2008 Presidency of the Portuguese Republic