Speech by the President of the Republic at the Inaugural Act of the Sines Refinery New Units
Sines, 5 April 2013

I am indeed pleased to preside at the inaugural act of the New Units in Sines Refinery. It is the largest ever industrial project in Portugal, comprising an investment of approximately 1.4 billion euros and that allows changing our Country’s stance, from being an importer to becoming a net exporter of diesel oil, with visible reflexes in our external accounts and in the national energy trade balance.

The opening of this new facility, based upon the most recent technology, happens in the sequence of the improvements carried out in the Matosinhos refinery. It thus decisively stamps the consolidation of the international strategy of Galp Energia, which asserts itself as a Portuguese Group with dimension and critical size at European level.

Galp Energia’s participation in the prospecting of oil and natural gas reserves, covering more than four dozen countries cannot but be referred as an extremely positive circumstance.

I particularly underline the fact that the company has oil reserves that can guarantee Portugal’s self sufficiency for three decades.

The involvement in prospecting partnerships in Angola and Brazil envisage, in 2020, obtaining approximately 300 thousand barrels of oil per day; this would currently correspond to the fulfilment of 100% of the Country’s expected demand.

The project of the new refinery that has now been materialized is also of great importance for Sines. It contributes towards the energizing of its sea port and of the adjacent industrial and logistics areas, influences the implementation of large investments in the petrochemical sector and generates employment in the region.

The commissioning of the new units creates more than 100 direct and 450 indirect positions of employment, and is as such an anchor for local economic development and will enable the feasibility of dozens of SMEs, as subcontractors for the supply of goods and services.

Galp Energia has the attitude and the will that must nowadays prevail in entrepreneurs and managers, together with the capability to detect opportunities and to maintain a competitive positioning, with strict management based on best practices, thus resulting in a coherent development strategy that merits being emphasized.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The unpredictability of the evolution of the international economic situation and the apparent difficulty demonstrated by European leaders in dealing with social and financial issues such as those that exist in several EU countries, are reasons of special concern, pointing out the need for a politically wide response within which people are not forgotten.

We have to respect the commitment we have assumed with the international institutions and to gain the confidence of the markets, but we equally have to be able to ally this course to increases in productivity and competitiveness in companies’ activities.

Investment in induction factors for economic growth and creation of employment is indispensable, and this is a challenge we have to face with great determination.

Materializing structural reforms, strengthening our economy’s flexibility and productivity, expanding towards the relevant markets for our exports and exploiting the sectors that show competitive advantages and national added value must currently be the main objectives of entrepreneurs, of political leaderships and of social partners.

Innovation in products, processes and management models are levers of competitiveness essential for production guided towards the achievement of demanding markets.

Portugal is nowadays amongst the European countries that are leaders in innovation. In line with the “Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011”, our country holds the 3rd position, after Germany and Luxembourg, in investment on innovation. We are also demonstrating very positive results concerning knowledge, either in educational and scientific terms, or in the training and in the capacity building of human resources.

We must know how to take best advantage of these capabilities, obtaining value from knowledge.

Portuguese language and the presence of Portuguese communities abroad are also, let us not forget it, very important assets that may be used by national entrepreneurs, conferring relevant comparative advantages in the approach strong growth indices.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In addition to the excellent economic indicators it is evidencing, Galp Energia develops an extensive programme of social responsibility, in terms of education, professional expertise of its employees, support for research, promotion of energy efficiency, defence of the environment and in its own prevention of roadway safety.

Galp Energia is highly placed in the main rankings of international sustainability. It appears in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as the second best company in the “Oil & Gas” sector and has recently been included in the very severe index of the 100 More Sustainable Corporations.

We are thus viewing a company that complies with its economic and social commitment and that exhibits a real sign of hope in our capabilities and in our Country’s route for development.

I want to leave a very special greeting for Commander Américo Amorim, Chairman of the Board of Galp Energia, an entrepreneur with a wide vision and the thrusting mind that impels momentum to this company.

I congratulate its shareholders, managers and employees, as well as all those who worked on the building of these New Units of the Sines Refinery, due to the singular contribution they have given to the Portuguese economy and to this region.

To you all I wish the best of success.

Thank you very much.