Speech by the President of the Republic at the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Council for Globalization
Citadel Palace, Cascais, 4 May 2012-05-04

I am very pleased to welcome you to this 4th Encounter of the Council for Globalization, an initiative once again organized by COTEC in association with the Presidency of the Republic.

This is a “reencounter of the Portuguese” that, spread over the four corners of the world, developed successful careers abroad, but kept their affectionate bonds with Portugal.

But this Encounter is equally an opportunity to strengthen the bonds that link the Portuguese speaking economic area, with the presence of notable company managers who have a significant influence in the domestic economy.

A special word of thanks is due to the President of the European Commission, for the support he has given to this initiative, since its very first edition.

The deepening of the bonds with the Portuguese community abroad is a task to which I have always attached the greatest relevance.
This purpose of mine is reinforced by the enormous challenges that Portugal is facing, notably in economic recovery and job creation.

As I have repeatedly underlined, the Country will only be able to resume a path of sustainable growth with solid investment in the reinforcement of the factors of competitiveness, in the conquering of new markets and in the improvement of the external awareness of the Portuguese reality.

And it is precisely here that the Diaspora’s contribution, your contribution, can be decisive.

Firstly, through your experience and knowledge of the opportunities and risks that our companies will be faced with when searching the global markets.

Secondly, through the proposal of solutions that may contribute towards reducing the barriers that are still placed, amongst us, to external investment.
And, lastly, through your capacity to project, externally, the economic, scientific, cultural and linguistic assets that identify us and make us unique, a capacity that I am certain can be instrumental for the reinforcement of the reputation and prestige of the Country.

It is important that the Country’s image is raised to the height that we, as a people, are capable to achieve and to donate to the world.

The approximation to the Diaspora and, particularly, the connection with all those that, abroad, are possessed of a special influential and decision taking capacity, as in your case, may constitute a decisive factor in the disclosure and mustering of our talents, competences and potential.

This “reencounter of the Portuguese” represents, to my mind, a singular contribution for valuing the resources and the potential that the Country has available.

Your presence is a sign of responsibility and drive for your country of origin, in an attitude that I am pleased to emphasize and for which I want, very expressively, to tender my thanks.

We are a people of the World and open to the World. All of us are duty bound to assume this nature and this vocation. And this is, equally, the spirit of this Encounter.

We want to become aware of your ideas, your critiques and your suggestions concerning Portugal’s development process.

Thank you