Speech delivered by the President of the Portuguese Republic on the occasion of his visit to Prague City Council
Prague, 15 April 2010

Honourable Mayor of Prague,
Honourable Authorities,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to thank you, Honourable Mayor of Prague, for the amiable words Your Excellency saw fit to address me, as well as for the warm welcome dispensed me, my wife and our retinue, by the authorities and the People of Prague.

I greet, through Your Excellency, one of the most beautiful cities of the world, which illustrates the harmony between Man and Nature’s achievements. But in Prague I also greet one of the sites that the Portuguese associate to some of the bravest fights for freedom and democracy. Forty two years ago, on the fifth of this month of April, a celebrating multitude united in Wenceslas Square, led us to believe that the dream of change was attainable, one of the more beautiful pages of a Spring which bears the stamp of History.

It is thus with feelings of particular emotion that I tread the streets of this city, such as a few moments ago, when crossing Charles Bridge, enjoying the impressive view which it allows us and cherishing the beautiful statues decorating it, including that of Saint Anthony of Lisbon, patron of our own capital.

Prague was, once again, just a few years ago, an example, when it was able to overcome the difficult moments it had to face following the 2002 floods, a particularly inspiring lesson in our current times.

This capital, today, reflects the capabilities that its aldermen and residents have shown to reconcile the preservation of its impressive historical and architectural heritage with the needs of modernity, in a model which deserves the regard of all those who have to face similar challenges.

Mister Mayor,

All these factors fully justify that Prague has become a privileged destination for many Portuguese, who arrive here as tourists, to study in its Universities or to work for their companies. Portuguese who found here an enlightened People, increasingly interested in our language and culture. I will have the opportunity, tomorrow, to visit Charles University and to meet some of its many students whose curiosity over the language of Camões and Pessoa is dictated by cultural aspects, but equally by recognizing the economic advantages associated to the knowledge of the third European idiom in the world, spoken by more than 250 million people, over the five continents.

Such bonds, which link the Czech and Portuguese, are a relevant contribution towards the strengthening of the relations between both our Countries. Strengthening which must become extensive to the Local Authorities, especially through the sharing of experiences and the conceiving of common projects.

This is the appeal I want to share with you, Mister Mayor, whilst thanking you, once again, for the hospitality with which we were welcomed, and expressing our best wishes to the inhabitants of this magnificent city.

Thank you very much