Message from the President of the Republic for the Opening of the 2009 Global Entrepreneurship Week
Lisbon Conference Centre, 16 November 2009

I am very pleased, again this year, to be associated with the Global Entrepreneurship Week.

I consider that Portugal’s involvement in this initiative is of great interest.

A worldwide network which aims to awaken, encourage and muster, especially with the younger generations, the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and the wish to innovate.

We are living in a time when the “job for life” concept is becoming more and more obsolete. In a time which has been stamped by deep changes in the markets and in labour relations as well.

As a counterpart, entrepreneurship gains new reasons to become the key factor for countries’ economic and social progress.

We are viewing, in Portugal, a growing intent to assume risks and to start one’s own entrepreneurial project, even if as a form of autonomy and a means of self fulfilment. But we are still far from a well rooted entrepreneurial culture.

This must thus be awakened in the younger people and, what is more, they must be provided with the necessary training for the development, from early age and throughout their lives, of the required skills.

We have to fight conformism and encourage daring and ambition, and at the same time, develop the capabilities for risk assessment and control.

This Global Entrepreneurship Week which is now starting musters millions of young people all over the world to the changing power of ideas and their application in business models.

It is an excellent opportunity to exalt such important values as self confidence, perseverance and the will to build and to conquer, values that I have also endeavoured personally to promote with the young Portuguese.

I congratulate the organizing bodies for the set of activities included in the programme which will take place amongst us, and salute all the participants. I hope that your initiative has the best possible success.

I am certain that you will contribute for a more confident and entrepreneurial Portugal.

Thank you very much.