Speech addressed by the President of the Republic at the Closing Ceremony of the 2nd Meeting of the SME Innovation Network
Oriente Museum, 20 November 2008

Honourable Minister for the Economy and Innovation,
Honourable President of COTEC,
Honourable Entrepreneurs and Managers,

I begin by greeting, naturally, the participants in this 2nd Meeting of the SME Innovation Network, allowing myself a special word of welcome for the guests who came from Spain, whose presence is a sign of an improved reciprocal knowledge between the entrepreneurs of the Iberian Peninsula.

I also wish to congratulate COTEC Portugal for the organization of this second Iberian Meeting, which is being held following that which took place in 2006, on the occasion of my State Visit to Spain.

The opportunity is now once more being offered to the Portuguese and Spanish small and medium sized companies, to establish contacts amongst them, deepening the fruitful exchange of experiences which COTEC has brought about.

Nowadays, as I have repeatedly underlined, entrepreneurship and innovation play an essential role in Europe’s economic growth. It is thus necessary to strengthen an «entrepreneurial culture» and to diminish the impact of the barriers which are still being placed against innovation. There are bureaucratic barriers, certainly, but there are equally many obstacles at researcher level and in the mentality and spirit of entrepreneurs.

Our business people have to contradict the trend towards conformism and resignation. It is in difficult times, such as that we are going through, that the nerve of the entrepreneur becomes evident.

In this context, institutions such as COTEC have an essential role, whilst encouraging and rewarding the values of work and of merit, promoting creativity, boldness, the capability to control risks and personal and entrepreneurial initiatives.

Our companies continue living under the stigma of failure, which is a component of paralysis in entrepreneurialism. We have to accept that reversals are an integral part of the learning process in order to arrive at success. We have to understand that success represents, as the Spanish poet Antonio Machado would say, «a path which is worn by treading». The difficulties which we find on that path must not allow us to give up. Whoever is looking for success cannot give up at the first obstacle.

In addition to work and to the capacity to trust ourselves, cooperation is a key-factor to achieve conquest in the knowledge society. Nobody wins alone, nowadays. Success depends upon joint volition and effort. This is the merit of the COTEC SME Innovation Network. Its broadening to more than 100 members is an indicator that the right course is being followed.

The right course was also followed by the companies which were awarded prizes by COTEC. Their example is a source of inspiration for all those who, in times of uncertainty, want to reach success and do not allow themselves to be bowled over by difficulties.

The success of these companies shows that it is possible to win and reach the objectives. Instead of bewailing themselves, of just talking about crises and obstacles, they knew how to take risks, to identify opportunities and define strategies, placing trust on their capabilities.

It is thus with great pleasure that I am announcing the launch of the second edition of the Entrepreneurial Innovation Prize in the Portuguese Diaspora, an award which intends, once more, to distinguish the entrepreneurial capacity of the Portuguese in the world.

Entrepreneurs and Managers,

In spite of the recovery which took place during the last decade within the realm of Research, Development and Innovation, Portugal is still far from the targets of the European Union, and even from those which we set ourselves. We know that weaknesses still exist in the efficiency with which investments in innovation are converted into goods and services.

The promotion of the culture of innovation and, not any less decisive, the potential of its being practiced within companies, have been central themes assumed by COTEC since its beginning. After five years of existence, the reasons for its setting up are still valid and the path travelled highly positive.

However, there are new and probably greater challenges to be faced. The knowledge potential generated in Portugal in the last few years must be exploited. In addition to the creation of further knowledge, it is especially important to support entrepreneurs to transform that knowledge capital into valuable goods and services with a view to more than ever global markets.

The work carried out by COTEC is of real national interest. As Chairman of the General Meeting, I have given it all my support and closely followed its initiatives, which have positively contributed to make Portuguese companies aware of innovation as a key-factor for competitiveness. We know this is a complex process, conditioned by economic, educational and cultural circumstances.

But today, more than ever, we must not slow down, and we must provide continuity to the work we have developed during the last five years. Intensifying this effort will be a precious contribution towards the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy. I trust in COTEC and in its members to reach this fundamental purpose for the Country.

The creation of conditions for more companies to invest in innovation as a tool for competitiveness and growth is COTEC’s priority mission. I am certain that, with the capital of information and knowledge it already possesses, COTEC will be able to perform this mission with the excellence which is a characteristic of all its initiatives.

Thank you very much.