Address by the President of the Republic, at the Ceremony of the signature of the Book of Honour in Vienna City Council
Vienna, 24 July 2009

Honourable Mayor and Governor of Vienna,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I want to thank you, Excellency, for the very kind words you have addressed me, as well as for the very friendly reception with which we have been welcomed in this City, a World Cultural Heritage. Vienna is, at the same time, a symbol of the wealthy European culture and an example for all who promote the harmonious development of our cities.

Mister Mayor,

The difficult time which we are living in is also the time to prepare for the future. To enlarge the boundaries of cooperation between peoples and nations is one of the means of preparing that future.

Partners in the European Union, Portugal and Austria can and must strengthen their relationship, both regionally and at municipal level. Cooperation and the sharing of experiences in these fields will allow acquiring the advantages offered by the European project, for the benefit of the sustainable development of our cities and Regions.

Vienna, in addition to its political capital is also Austria’s largest economic centre and a very relevant gate of access to areas which have an ever greater interest for Portuguese enterprise. Whilst a prominent European cultural capital, it is equally a privileged interpreter in the perspective of our bilateral relationship.

Tourism is a further area where we can do more and much better. For the Portuguese it is time to look at Vienna, not just on account of its wealthy cultural life and its unique historical heritage, but also as a fundamental stage to successfully become acquainted and understand a much wider region.

On the other hand, Portugal, for the Austrians, including the Viennese, is frequently associated to pictures of sun and beaches. But we also possess a very rich History, and are proud of the multifaceted beauty of the interior of our continental landscape, of our Atlantic islands and of a society opened up to modernity.

I hope that an ever greater number of Viennese feel encouraged to become better acquainted with this Portugal, and that they feel at home there just as we are in this magnificent city of Vienna, which has given us such a wonderful welcome.