President sent message to Queen Beatrice of The Netherlands on the occasion of her abdication from the throne

The President of the Republic addressed a message to Queen Beatrice of The Netherlands on the occasion of her abdication from the throne.

Following is the text of the message from President Cavaco Silva:


Exactly thirty three years after a propitious reign, dedicated to The Netherlands and its People, and at the moment when Your Majesty’s decision materializes to abdicate from the Throne, in favour of your son, Prince William Alexander, I want to wish you, on behalf of the Portuguese and in my own personal name, the best of happiness and health and that you may live for many long and happy years.

Allow me to share the joy and the wishes for hope that in this moment of generational renewal musters all the People of The Netherlands. I take advantage of this opportunity to reiterate to Your Majesty the relevance that my country and I, personally, attribute to the strengthening of the historical links and bonds of friendship between Portugal and The Netherlands, both in our bilateral relationship and within the European Union.

Renewing my most sincere wishes for your happiness, I beg you to accept my pledges of highest regard and esteem.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
