President Cavaco Silva congratulated the National Football Team upon their qualification for the EURO 2012 quarter finals

The President of the Republic addressed a message of congratulations to the National Football Team, now qualified for the EURO 2012 quarter finals

Following is the text of the message sent by President Cavaco Silva:

“In my own personal name and on behalf of the Portuguese I want to congratulate the National Football Team for having achieved become qualified for the following stage of the EURO 2012 European Football Championship.

After a difficult pre-qualification stage, both players and technical team saw their efforts rewarded and are to be congratulated for having believed they were capable of answering the expectations of the Portuguese.

I wish you all, players, technical team and leaders of the Portuguese Football Federation, the greatest of success in the final stages of the competition and that the National Team continues achieving the high level of quality shown until now, demonstrating sportsmanship on the playing fields, in order that the Portuguese can continue to feel proud of their team.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
