President Cavaco Silva sent condolences to the Family of Maria Keil

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Maria Keil.

Following is the text of the message sent by President Cavaco Silva:

“I was deeply distressed to learn the news of the passing away of Maria Keil.

A unique figure of our 20th century, she produced extraordinary creative artistic work, immediately after the Thirties, in publicity, graphic design, painting, furniture design and figurine models, and outstanding, ceramic tiles and illustrations, where Maria Keil produced veritable works of art.

It is thus on behalf of the People of Portugal, and my Wife’s and my personal names, that I address heartfelt condolences to her Family. Her disappearance leaves Portuguese art and culture that much poorer. Her legacy of many works and her imagery, however, remain with us.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
