President of the Republic congratulates the Under-20 National Football Team

The President of the Republic congratulated the Under-20 National Football Team, for their participation in the World Championship.

Following is the text of the message addressed by President Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

“On this occasion when the Under-20 National Football Team took part in the finals of the World Football Championship, I want to congratulate the players, the technical team, the Portuguese Football Federation and its officers, for the results achieved throughout this Under-20 World Football Championship held in Colombia, a greatly relevant event for the history of Portuguese Sports.

This is further proof that dignifies Portuguese football and that greatly honours national Sports.

Our presence ih these World finals is a victory that is a matter of pride for the value of sports in Portugal, and equally an incentive for Portuguese young sportsmen.

I want to congratulate these young athletes for their excellent performance and for the contribution they have provided towards the international projection of our Country.

Thus please accept my congratulations and my sincere wishes for your personal well being and excellent sports achievements.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
