President Cavaco Silva congratulated Manoel de Oliveira on his 102nd anniversary with a message to the filmmaker’s personal e-mail

On the occasion of the 102nd anniversary of the film director Manoel de Oliveira, the President of the Republic sent a congratulatory electronic message to the personal e-mail address of the centenary filmmaker.

Following is the text of the congratulatory e-mail addressed by President Aníbal Cavaco Silva:

"Dear Manoel de Oliveira

On the day in which you complete 102 years I want, on behalf of all the Portuguese and in my Wife’s and my personal names, to congratulate you, not just for your anniversary but also for your admirable career.

The enthusiastic way in which you talk about your projects and of the films you are planning to direct is, without any doubt, a source of inspiration for all and the proof that age is no limitation for the pursuit of dreams. When one appreciates his own work there is no time to stop.

You name will forever be associated to Portuguese cinema and the name of Manoel de Oliveira is respected and admired all over the world.

Thank you also, for the contribution you have given for the dissemination of Portuguese culture and cinema.

Please accept, once more, my many happy returns and sincere wishes for your personal happiness and successes in your films.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
