President Cavaco Silva addressed message to Chilean counterpart concerning rescue of the San José miners

The President of the Republic addressed a message to his Chilean counterpart Sebastián Piñera, concerning the rescue of the San José miners.

Following is the text of President Aníbal Cavaco Silva’s message:

"Mister President,

I am extremely pleased to address Your Excellency, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our warmest congratulations on the success of the rescue operation of the thirty three miners retained in the San José mine that the Portuguese followed with particular emotion.

Allow me to single out and thank you, on this occasion, for the extraordinary example of perseverance, courage, self-denial and solidarity that was bestowed us by the San José miners, but equally by their families and by all the people of Chile.

Renewing my sincere congratulations I beg you to accept, Mister President, my highest consideration and personal esteem.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
