Message of congratulations from the President of the Republic addressed to the Co-Prince of Andorra and Archbishop of Urgel

The President of the Republic addressed a message of congratulations to the Co-Prince of Andorra and Archbishop of Urgel.

Following is the text of the message sent by the President of the Republic:

"Reverend Excellency,

Having just been advised of Your Reverend Excellency’s elevation to the rank of Ad Personam Archbishop, I wish to address you, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our most sincere and warmest congratulations.

This is a time of justified joy for all the People of Andorra, in which I am certain they will be joined by the Portuguese Community resident in the Principality, which has received from Your Reverend Excellency constant and unconditional support.

Renewing my sincere congratulations, I beg you to accept my best wishes for Your Reverend Excellency’s well being as well as for the progress and prosperity of the People of Andorra.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
