President of the Republic addressed message to the President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy, on the occasion of the National Day of France

The President of the Republic addressed a message to the President of the French Republic, on the occasion of the National Day of France.

Following is the text of the message:

“Mister President and Dear Friend,

On the occasion of the National Day of France, I wish to address Your Excellency, on behalf of the People of Portugal and in my own personal name, our warmest congratulations and sincere wishes for the happiness and prosperity of the People of France.

France and Portugal knew how to build solid bonds of friendship and cooperation which, I am certain, will find new opportunities to become even deeper in the future. Partners within the framework of the European Union, our two countries share the wish to contribute towards a more than ever united Europe, friendlier and better prepared to respond to the challenges of our times. Solidarity within the scope of the Community is increased by the fundamental contribution that the communities of Portuguese nationals and Portuguese descendants who reside and work in France, have always provided for the strengthening of our relations.

Renewing my sincere congratulations, I beg you to accept, Mister President, the expression of my greatest regard and personal esteem.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
