Message of condolences from the President of the Republic addressed to the Family of Dr. António Pedro Ruella Ramos

The President of the Republic addressed a message of condolences to the Family of Dr. António Pedro Ruella Ramos.

Following is the text of the President’s message:

"I address my heartfelt condolences to the Family of Dr. António Pedro Ruella Ramos, owner, founder and manager of media and graphics companies, in addition of editor of the newspaper “Diário de Lisboa”, who has abandoned us today.

Dr. Ruella Ramos was a greatly respected entrepreneur and leader, who helped to qualify a period of the Portuguese press and deserved the regard and esteem of the many communications professionals who congregated with him.

On behalf of the people of Portugal and in my own personal name, I wish to render a sincere tribute on the disappearance of a notable person who left his name linked with many of the media hallmarks in this country. 

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
