Message of congratulations from the President of the Republic to the Portuguese judoist Telma Monteiro, European Judo Champion in – 57 Kg in the tournament held in Tbilisi

The President of the Republic sent a congratulatory message to judoist Telma Monteiro, for having achieved the title of European Judo Champion.

Following is the text of the President’s message:

"Upon receiving the news of the victory you obtained in the European Championship, held in Tbilisi, Georgia, where you achieved the title of European Judo Champion, I wish to congratulate you for the high level of sportsmanship you have shown and for the extraordinary endeavour you have placed on your course as an athlete, as confirmed by the previously earned awards.

This victory is another living proof that dedication and perseverance in sports is the best route to success.

Please accept, in my name and on behalf of the people of Portugal, my congratulations and sincere best wishes for your personal and sports activities.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva”
