President Cavaco Silva sent condolences to the Family of author Alçada Baptista

The President of the Republic sent a message of condolences to the Family of author António Alçada Baptista.

Following is the text of the President’s message:

"I present my deepest condolences to the Family of António Alçada Baptista and pay sincere tribute to the author and cultural personality who has passed away today.

Alçada Baptista was not just a very talented writer and a great novelist. He was also an untiring defender of freedom, who indelibly marked our cultural and civic life during the last fifty years with his writings and his activity as a publisher.

In this moment of great sadness for our national culture and for all those who had the privilege of intimate contact with Alçada Baptista, I bow to his memory and to his example as a man of deep convictions who knew how to draw the esteem and friendship of all with whom he was acquainted.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva"
