Message of Condolences from the President of the Republic addressed to the family of Actress Maria de Lurdes Lemos (Milú)

The President of the Republic, on behalf of the people of Portugal and in his own personal name, presents deep condolences to the family of the actress Maria de Lurdes Lemos, known as Milú.

Milú started her career over the radio waves and later took part in some of the more emblematic films of Portuguese cinema. She conquered the affection and the respect of the Portuguese who accompanied her professional life, which also included tours in Spain and Brazil. In May 2007, Milú was awarded the degree of Commander of the Order of Santiago da Espada, as a true recognition of her vast career.

In this hour of mourning, it is with great sadness that I pay my tribute to a great star of the radio, cinema and theatre, who dedicated her life to the arts and culture.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva
