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  • "I do not wish that retarded people are seen as marginalized in society and I equally do not want that institutions become social ghettos."

    Agência LUSA, 06-12-19 18:45:01

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Launching of the book / Route for Inclusiveness 2006



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“A retarded person may not be a burden, but rather an opportunity for the enterprise”

Diário de Notícias, 06-12-20

"If it is relevant that we think what a society may perform to help retarded persons, it is equally relevant to imagine what the retarded are able to do if given the opportunity."

Diário de Notícias, 06-12-20

"A society which places in its development plans the respect for human dignity must take care of its retarded citizens."

Diário de Notícias, 06-12-20

"ARCIL accomplished good work for 30 years, and is an example of good practices within insertion units. The retarded here are not a burden or incapable, and even with their specific capacities carry out competitive work."

Agência LUSA, 06-12-19 18:45:01

"I do not wish that retarded people are seen as marginalized in society and I equally do not want that institutions become social ghettos."

Agência LUSA, 06-12-19 18:45:01

"The municipalities have an important role to accomplish in such cases, initially to encourage enterprising organizations, and then to act as a propelling agent to set up support networks to surround the retarded."

Agência LUSA, 06-12-19 18:45:01

"If our enterprises make use of their pertaining social responsibility, it will be possible to place many more retarded people in a dignified job and contribute to their fulfilment."

Agência LUSA, 06-12-19 18:45:01

"Adversity does not rhyme with resignation. What is more important is the future of the children; the remainder, notwithstanding, is accessory."

Jornal de Notícias, 06-12-19

"Casa Pia is a 172 year old institution that has trained numerous generations of youths, many of which have reached positions of relevance in our country."

Jornal de Notícias, 06-12-19

"The itinerary I took through this school [Jacob Rodrigues Pereira Institute, Casa Pia] left me with the idea of the relevance of the work that is carried out here for the education and training of the children and youths who attend the institution, an effort for them to become citizens in their full rights."

Correio da Manhã, 06-12-19

"Portugal has a large number of retarded people, approximately five per cent of the population. At the same time I wish to call the attention of the Portuguese for the responsibility we have in order to ensure that all have a dignified citizen’s life."

Agência LUSA, 06-12-18

"I was impressed with the staid attitude with which they faced the issues and the organization backing the voluntary work, taking the best advantage of each person’s gifts."

Agência LUSA, 06-10-11

"I wish to highlight an asset which I found: a group of voluntary citizens who, with extraordinary dedication and great enthusiasm, endeavour to help others, those that are less favoured. It is proof of the vitality of our civic society."

Agência LUSA, 06-10-11

"Portugal is in need of you [immigrant physicians] and is pleased to welcome you. Portugal is a tolerant country, wide open to the world, dialoguing with other peoples, and my wish is that you feel at home and achieve personal fulfilment in Portugal."

Agência LUSA, 06-10-11

"I was also very pleased to ascertain that the associations [of immigrants resident in Moita] signed the protocol for the refurbishment of critical neighbourhoods, and that this is significant of the civic culture of responsibility."

Agência LUSA, 06-10-11

"I am extremely pleased that this my third campaign of the route rests associated with the implementation of a protocol that represents a firm political commitment for the refurbishment of Vale da Amoreira (...). I now hope that all those who have political responsibilities, and the civic society as well, are ready to commit themselves."

Agência LUSA, 06-10-11

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