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Cerimónia de Homenagem aos Combatentes, por ocasião do 50º aniversário do início da Guerra em África
Cerimónia de Homenagem aos Combatentes, por ocasião do 50º aniversário do início da Guerra em África
Lisboa, 15 de março de 2011 see more: Cerimónia de Homenagem aos Combatentes, por ocasião do 50º aniversário do início da Guerra em África


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Presentation of the 2008 Feline Exercise

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The Feline Series Joint & Combined Military Exercises, developed within the technical-military cooperation with the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), have the aim to allow the interoperability of the CPLP Armed Forces and their training for deployment in peace and humanitarian assistance operations, under the aegis of the United Nations Organization, whilst observing national legislations.

Within this scope, the aim of the 2008 Feline Exercise is to “Exercise a Joint & Combined Task Force, within CPLP, in order to increase the interoperability and the training of the Armed Forces of the CPLP Member States, with a view to their deployment in humanitarian and peace support operations, under the aegis of the United Nations Organization”.

The scenario of the 2008 Feline Exercise is fictitious and characteristic of an humanitarian crisis with security implications. It takes place in a permissive environment, employing real Portuguese geographical data, and is held in the AVEIRO-OVAR region.

The preparation of the exercise included staff training activities with relevance for an intensive course focused on issues of Operational Planning and Rules of Commitment, to be held in the Army Simulation Centre (Pedrouços), from 16 to 20 June, and the Intensive Course on Peace Support Operations administered by the Centre of Instruction & Training for Peace Support Operations of the Infantry Training School (CITOAP/RPI) in the 10th Infantry Regiment.

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