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Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro
Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro
Barreiro, 2 de julho de 2011 see more: Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro


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Message from the Armed Forces Supreme Commander

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Portugal, in its tradition of universality and mutual dependence, has for 50 years been taking part in the international effort towards peace, contributing with its capabilities and knowledge to international missions, under the auspices of the United Nations, the Atlantic Alliance or the European Union.

Corresponding to the changes which have happened worldwide within the realm of security, especially since 1989, the Country committed approximately 30.000 Portuguese, amongst diplomats and military and security forces, to the resolution of international crises and in the promotion of the values of peace, democracy and respect for human rights.

The significant national commitment that has been employed since 1991 in Bosnia-Herzegovina contributed directly and decisively to the step that can now be taken, of providing that country and its people with the security and stability required for its development, progress and healthy relationship in the harmony of nations. But it has also contributed to our own security and defence, since it strengthened the national links in the international organizations in which Portugal is included and permitted the reduction of a potential source of instability with unforeseeable consequences for all Europeans.

The very particular effort that the Armed Forces have exerted throughout these last 15 years in Bosnia-Herzegovina, combining internationally recognized skills with the special type of relationship that our military forces held with the local people, had its fair recompense in the natural way its citizens face their day-to-day life, in the confidence with which that young Country views their future and the peace which Europe continues to enjoy.

At the moment when the International Community prepares the handing over of responsibilities in that theatre of operations and the Portuguese Armed Forces return to base, it is particularly important that the Portuguese people have an improved awareness of the work of the Detached National Armed Forces and relevance that such missions assume for the Country.

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces stresses with great pride the return of the forces detached in Bosnia-Herzegovina to national territory.

Mission accomplished.

Aníbal Cavaco Silva

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