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Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro
Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro
Barreiro, 2 de julho de 2011 see more: Inauguração do Monumento ao Fuzileiro


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The actions of the President of the Republic whilst Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces are developed along objectives which are substantiated in definite activities, speeches, visits, participations or of other types:

  1. Develop in Portuguese society a greater culture of Security and National Defence
  2. Contribute towards the strengthening of the cohesion and prestige of the Armed Forces
  3. Sensitize the Nation towards the role of the Armed Forces as a basic State Institution
  4. Keep track of the progress of matters relative to National Defence, particularly in relation to strategic planning and employment of national capabilities, and to the procedures of the restructure of Defence and Armed Forces in relation to its re-equipment

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