Monte Real Air Force Base welcomed the President

Monte Real Air Force Base welcomed the President

President Cavaco Silva visited Air Force Base No. 5, in Monte Real

The President of the Republic visited Air Force Base No. 5, in Monte Real, for the launching of the air policing operation by a detachment of the Air Force over the Baltic Sea, with a contingent of 4 F-16 aircraft and 170 personnel, during two periods of time.

During the visit, President Cavaco Silva became acquainted with the specific details of the mission and with the development of the project for the Mid Life Update (MLU) of the F-16 aircraft, was shown the maintenance hangars, the facilities for Aircraft Engine Modification as well as Squadron 201, and also assisted an exercise of air defence alert. The President was also presented with a flying helmet, which he left in the Squadron’s Flight Equipment Storage Facility.

The Air Force personnel taking part in the "Baltic’s Air Policing 07" mission were introduced to the President of the Republic, who greeted them and wished the best success in their mission.