March past of the forces on parade

March past of the forces on parade

President Cavaco Silva at the Welcoming Ceremony of the National Armed Forces Detached in Bosnia-Herzegovina
The President of the Republic took part, in the Santa Margarida military barracks, in the Welcoming Ceremony of the National Armed Forces Detached in Bosnia-Herzegovina

After the military honours, the President and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces reviewed the forces on parade – 5 battalions of the three branches, Army band and fanfare and motorized group.

A ceremony paying homage to the soldiers perished in service in Bosnia-Herzegovina preceded the speeches of the Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff, Gen. Luis Valença Pinto, and of the President of the Republic.

Following the march past of the forces on parade, the President of the Republic visited a photographic exhibition showing the participation of the Armed Forces in Bosnia-Herzegovina, after which a buffet lunch was served.

Click here to read the speech of the President of the Republic