Framework - General Objectives of the Routes to Science

As determined by the President of the Republic in his speech during the first campaign, the Route to Science includes visits to higher educational establishments, R&D units, Associated Laboratories, State Laboratories, company incubators, centres of science and technology and business enterprises, with the following objectives:

1. Valorise the role of scientists in opening up new routes to knowledge, in bringing into effect objectives of sustainable development and in the international assertion of our country. The women and men of Science, those that chose a life of study and a daily toil to open up the barriers of knowledge are crucial for the future of Portugal and deserve due recognition. Portugal must become acquainted with its scientists, value their role and appreciate the services they render the community. We have to encourage the emergence of new and many vocations for R&D activities.

2. Show the sound examples which deserve to be reproduced. Examples of:

3. Call for a new attitude in the national effort surrounding research and development. More than on a random or voluntary basis, Portugal must encourage private investment in R&D, ensure the productivity of public investment and effectively access international and community sources of direct investment. For each new euro invested in R&D we must be capable of publishing more scientific papers, register more patents, sign new contracts for transfer of knowledge, create new products and set up new technologically based enterprises.

4. Call for an enterprising culture. A global world requires daring. There are more ways than one to reach entrepreneurial innovation, but there is certainly none that is stronger, more effective and more reproductive than that which invests in research and development. Scientists must be encouraged to include entrepreneurial requirements in the design for their research and even to set up their own enterprises. Entrepreneurs must be encouraged to develop a culture of greater permeability to exploit the good results of scientific research.

5. Provide visibility to several niches of research, development and innovation in a framework of valuation of human resources, creation of employment and competitiveness of our economy. Portugal must exploit its comparative advantages, its investments in training and technological equipment carried out in several areas, and to focus on its priorities. We have, in some sectors, real conditions to consolidate regions of knowledge and competitiveness.


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