Presentation of the Route to Youth

When addressing Parliament earlier this year, in the ceremony commemorating 25 April 1974, the President of the Republic stated that, in his journeys in the Country, especially within the scope of the “Routes” he had launched, he found, from North to South, “young enterprising and dynamic people who dare to carry out projects with risks attached”, “researchers of excellence, level with the world’s best”, and “a new generation dedicated to voluntary work which demonstrates a moving commitment in the service of others”.

In the following month, when he met an enlarged and representative group of Youngsters in the Palace of Belém to discuss the topic of their civic and political representation and the reasons that motivate or remove them from a greater involvement, President Cavaco Silva announced he would be launching a Route to Youth in order to become directly aware of some of the valid examples of Young People’s initiatives in Portuguese society, as well as to promote good practices in the issues of entrepreneurship and membership drive amongst them.

Subject to the theme “Autonomy of Youth and Membership Drive”, the first Campaign of the Route to Youth, intended to encourage and value the way Young People should participate in a society undergoing change.