President of the Republic promotes a Tribute to National Sport

The President of the Republic will promote, on 27 May instant, a Tribute to National Sport, with the presence of athletes, officers and technicians of all types of sports activities, both Olympic and Paralympic.

Representatives of all federations, as well as committees, confederations, associations, leagues and of mustering and promoting societies of sports activities in Portugal, as well as institutions of higher education in Sports will be present at the ceremony, where decorations will be awarded to several Olympic and Paralympic medalled athletes, both active and retired.

The transversal relevance of Sports in the lives of the people, their capability of congregating the Portuguese, especially in the Diaspora, and their role in the external assertion of the Country will be evinced in this ceremony.

In the session, during which sporting merit will emerge in a perspective of inclusion and equality, a film will be exhibited on Sports in Portugal, produced by the joint initiative of the Olympic and Paralympic Committees.

The Tribute to National Sports will be held on Wednesday, 27 May, at 11:00 hours, in the former building of the Coach Museum.
