Ceremony in the Palace of Belém
The President of the Republic honoured a group of executive officers and entrepreneurs who became noted in their areas of activity, in a ceremony which he stated encompassed all Portuguese entrepreneurship.
António Saraiva, Chairman of the Portuguese Entrepreneurial Confederation (CIP), and João Bento, Executive Chairman of Gestmin and former Chairman of COTEC, were awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry the Navigator, and João Picoito, Chairman of Nokia Siemens Networks for Southern Europe was awarded the Order of Entrepreneurial Merit, Industrial Merit Class.
The grade of Commander of the Order of Entrepreneurial Merit – Commercial Merit was awarded to António Raposo de Lima, Chairman of IBM Portugal, and to Paços de Ferreira entrepreneur Adelino Silva Martins. José Ricardo Lopes Abrantes, of the Águeda Entrepreneurial Association was awarded the grade of Commander of the Order of Entrepreneurial Merit – Industrial Merit, and executive officer Alberto Manuel Coutinho Henriques was awarded the grade of Officer of the same class of the same Order.
During the ceremony President Cavaco Silva delivered an address.